
Home » Black-White IQ » White People Not 100 Percent Human? Afrocentrist Debunked

White People Not 100 Percent Human? Afrocentrist Debunked

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I just came across this video on YouTube published yesterday called “White people are not 100% human (Race differences) (I.Q debunked)“, with, of course, outrageous claims (the usual from Afrocentrists). I already left a comment proving his nonsense incorrect, but I thought I’d further expound on it here.

His first ‘evidence’ that whites aren’t 100 percent human is showing some individuals who are born with tails. Outliers are meaningless, of course. The cause of the human tail is due to the unsuccessful inhibition of the Wnt3-a gene. When this gene isn’t successful in signaling the cell death of the tail in early embryonic development, a person is then born with a small vestigial tail. This doesn’t prove anything.

His next assertion is that since “94 percent of whites test positive for Rh blood type” and that “as a result, they are born with a tail”, then whites must have interbred with rhesus monkeys in the past. This is ridiculous. This blood type was named in error. The book Blood Groups and Red Cell Antigens sums it up nicely:

The Rh blood group is one of the most complex blood groups known in humans. From its discovery 60 years ago where it was named (in error) after the Rhesus monkey, it has become second in importance only to the ABO blood group in the field of transfusion medicine. It has remained of primary importance in obstetrics, being the main cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN).

It was wrongly thought that the agglutinating antibodies produced in the mother’s serum in response to her husbands RBCs were the same specificity as antibodies produced in various animals’ serum in response to RBCs from the Rhesus monkey. In error, the paternal antigen was named the Rhesus factor. By the time it was discovered that the mother’s antibodies were produced against a different antigen, the rhesus blood group terminology was being widely used. Therefore, instead of changing the name, it was abbreviated to the Rh blood group.

As you can see, this is another ridiculous and easily debunked claim. One only needs to do a bit of non-biased reading into something to get the truth, which some people are not capable of.

What he says next, I don’t really have a problem with. He just shows articles stating that Neanderthals had big brains to control their bodies and that they had a larger, elongated visual cortex. However, there is archeological evidence that our cognitive superiority over Neanderthals is a myth (Villa and Roebroeks, 2014). What he shows in this section is the truest thing he’ll say, though.

Then he shows how African immigrants to America have a higher educational achievement than whites and immigrant East Asians. However, it’s clear he’s not heard of super-selection. The people with the means to leave will, and, most likely, those with the means are the more intelligent ones in the group. We also can’t forget about ‘preferential treatment’, AKA Affirmative Action.

The concept of ‘multiple intelligences’ is then brought up. The originator of the theory, Howard Gardner, rejects general intelligence, dismisses factor analysis, doesn’t defend his theory with quantitative data, instead, drawing on anthropology to zoology findings for his claims, being completely devoid of any psychometric or quantitative data (Herrnstein and Murray, 1994: 18). The Alternative Hypothesis also has a thorough debunking of this claim.

He then makes the claim that hereditarians assume that environment/experience play no factor in performance on IQ tests/life success. We know that both the individual heritability is 80/20 genetics and environment, with the black-white gap being the same (Rushton and Jensen 2005: 279). Another easily refuted claim.

The term ‘inferior’ is brought up due to whites’ supposed ‘inferiority’, though we know that terms such as those have no basis in evolutionary biology.

He claims that a black man named Jesse Russel invented the cell phone, when in reality a white man named Martin Cooper did. He claims that Lewis Latimer invented the filament lightbulb, when a man named Joseph Swan obtained the patent in the UK in 1860. Of course, individual outliers are meaningless to group success, as they don’t reflect the group average as a whole, so these discussions are meaningless.

He finally claims that the “black Moors civilized Europe”. Europeans didn’t need to “be civilized”, I guess people don’t understand that empires/kingdoms rise and fall and go through highs and lows. That doesn’t stop people from pushing a narrative, though. Further, the Moors were not black. People love attempting to create their own fantasy history in which their biases are a reality.

I don’t know why people have to make these idiotic and easily refuted videos. Lies that push people further from the truth of racial differences, genetics, and history as a whole. Biases such as these just cloud people’s minds to the truth, and when the truth is shown to  them, refuting their biases and twisting of history, genetics, and IQ, they then look at it as an attack on what they deem to be true despite all of the conflicting, non-biased evidence shown to them. Afrocentric loons need to be refuted, lest people believe their lies, misconceptions and twistings of history.


  1. Salmed says:

    Did you ask how Blacks were repeatedly conquered and/or enslaved by non-Blacks like the Arabs and are so dependent on foreign aid if Whites are inferior to them? And point out the utter lack of pure Black billionares as shown by Forbes?

    Liked by 1 person

    • RaceRealist says:

      No I just refuted what he wrote. I don’t really like diverging off of topics.


    • Nunya says:

      How ridiculous.. A whole bunch of white people refruting truth with more white bullshit..ok.. Lol thats why only whites are born with tails and youre only a small percentage in the world so save it.. Liars


    • RACEREALIST this change to colder environment has been debunked you uneducated fool if the was the case the inhabitants of cold environments would have turned so called white along time ago the inuit are dark dark skinned so with that alone your so called intelligent response falls flat on its face you so called white people conquered no one it was due to our infighting that allowed you cave dwelling troglodyte to come in and so called take over and like an african proverb says when 2 bros fight to the death the stranger gets the house and keys but one thing you bastards have forgotten in your zeal to stay relevant is that the tables do TURN and they are turning with a quickness and when its our turn as i know my people we will nottttttt let up off your so called white asses you alls pride and arrogance is doing you in the Suns killing you drugs,crime and murder rate among you uncivilized beats of burden is fucking you up theres a lung disease thats only attacking you troglodyte bitches and bastard but now you wanna say were all of african descent lets get along ummmm its too late for that and believe me you the world DONT give no fucks about u wanna be white people youre not loved the world over youre hated to the utmost degree

      Liked by 1 person

    • RaceRealist says:

      1) learn to paragraph

      2) I don’t think cold weather had anything to do with cognition but it’s clear that there are cold weather adaptations in populations that were exposed to cold weather.

      3) “we are all African” in that we share a common ancestor going back a few mya in Africa. The selection for change still occurred due to differing climes, obviously.

      4) the Inuit are dark due to the Sun’s rays reflecting off the ice along with their high vitamin D diet.

      5) please structure your comments so they’re readable and learn to punctuate.

      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

    • punctuate you troglodyte wanna be white bitch you cant even intelligently reply to what i said blumenbach went to the caucuses mountains and grabbed hold of a skull came back to the USA to claim yes I found the perfect skull that represents OUR race lil did they know that skull was a skull of the true indigenous people of the Caucuses mountains that are still there you lil dick prick and they are black people not to mention lying ass hegel you bitches aint shit couldnt speak walk nor think till we taught u and built nothing but garbage heaps OMFG bitch byebye bye


    • RaceRealist says:

      How ridiculous.. A whole bunch of white people refruting truth with more white bullshit..ok.. Lol thats why only whites are born with tails and youre only a small percentage in the world so save it.. Liars

      You literally don’t know what a vestigial trait is, so why are you talking? Look at the coccyx of a human and then a chimp. Then think back to millions of years ago when we shared the same common ancestor. Our coccyx represents where our tails used to be.

      Please educate yourself before you make ignorant comments. Thanks.

      Liked by 2 people

    • #AnkhLife says:

      Can’t believe nothing the white man has to say!!!! They’ve been lying for ages!!! I do wanna speak on the RISING and falling off kingdoms!!! Can you name a white person that was living over 7,000 YEARS ago???? I think not!!! Whites had not kingdom just kidnappers of black people for hundreds of years!!!! When we found them in the caves, long before the kidnapping, they were on all fours and uncivilized and closer to the ape than blacks with all that hair!!! #MindRight #WakeUp #Unapologetic #KNOWTHYSELF #GODSTATUS


    • RaceRealist says:

      People actually believe this.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dominic Ruddock says:

      So, your base of success is money? The Americans can print money from thin air it’s called fiate. You might want to look into the richest man that ever lived.. and that’s with gold mate.
      To the victor goes the spoils. You think because someone brings a gun to a knife fight that person is superior, where’s the honor? Westerns have Prided themselves on the ability to kill people from the greatest distance. This in itself might seem clever and some would argue it is on the grounds of self preservation.
      The fact of the matter is if something has more its superior unless it’s more faults(just in case we get a clever dick )and I could make the argument that black civilised the world but I cba. The blood is more complex because your all inbred.I know your going to cry about that to but it’s true. The neanderthal blood line is not with the blacks hence you not being fully human so to speak.
      I don’t even know why I’m replying I guess I wanted to teach. Anyway hit me bk if you want a dialog. Oh yeah the people in power have done it through lies and deceit. That is obvious right? The reason the hieroglyphics are activly being distried is because the story they tell. Whose destroying them? The westerns why? They don’t like the truth.. the black man was everywhere on this planet before the white man and it’s been hidden why, so you guys have something to cling on to; We won! Won what? Who killed off the whole civilisations with the argument they were savages. The tazmainians were slaughtered including women and children; civilised really…
      Rant over for now lol. Best wishes to you mate but really we are the winners mental resilience. What would happen if whites had to go through what we did… there would be a hell of a lot more school shootings-RIP.


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      “you so called white people conquered no one it was due to our infighting that allowed you cave dwelling troglodyte to come in and so called take over and like an african proverb says when 2 bros fight to the death the stranger gets the house and keys but one thing you bastards have forgotten in your zeal to stay relevant is that the ”

      Yea that sounds entirely plausible and is completely consistent with evidence and historical record, also the world was invaded by dragons one hundred years ago. Now that sounds like bullshit but it is similarly truthful to your statement.

      “you drugs”

      Blacks actually die at a similar rate from cocaine use.

      “,crime and murder rate among you uncivilized beats of burden is fucking you up”

      Why are you talking about yourself when your trying to describe others?

      “is fucking you up theres a lung disease thats only attacking you troglodyte bitches and bastard but now”

      Citation needed for your claims.

      “you wanna say were all of african descent lets get along ummmm its too late for that and believe me you the world DONT give no fucks about u wanna be white people youre not loved the world over youre hated to the utmost degree”

      Can you say something intelligible and truthful for once or are you gonna continue to spout bullshit?

      “punctuate you troglodyte wanna be white bitch you cant even intelligently reply to what i said”

      AHAHAHAHA OH WOW! All you do is spout a constant stream of nonsense you pulled out of your ass, and you say he lacks the ability intelligently reply!?

      “blumenbach went to the caucuses mountains and grabbed hold of a skull came back to the USA to claim yes I found the perfect skull that represents OUR race lil did they know that skull was a skull of the true indigenous people of the Caucuses mountains that are still there you lil dick prick and they are black people not to mention lying ass hegel you bitches aint shit”

      Oh yes, do tell me how the skull he found was that of Black Person I am shivering with anticipation for the well evidenced argument that proves the skull came from a black person. Until then I’ll just acknowledge the fact that you are talking out of your ass.

      “couldnt speak walk nor think till we taught u”

      Tell me, do you actually believe the lies that you are pelting others with? Because there is zero evidence for this assertion and it is at face completely ridiculous since the ability to walk, talk, and think are things all human beings all over the world possess its absolutely ridiculous to assert any one group of humans taught these fundamental aspects of human existence to other groups. So really you just continue to lie.

      “and built nothing but garbage heaps OMFG bitch byebye bye”

      Once again your just spouting another big load of bullshit. Tell me how did Whites learn how to build Sky Scrapers, Cathedrals, or Castles from people who at best had this.

      “lil dick prick”

      You do know the man with the biggest recorded penis in the world is White?

      “How ridiculous.. A whole bunch of white people refruting truth with more white bullshit..ok.. Lol thats why only whites are born with tails and youre only a small percentage in the world so save it.. Liars”

      And so the liar calls the truth a lie.

      Bu really i have to ask you this; how you have some much gall as to call other people liars when you have done nothing but pull nonsense from your rear end and try to pass it off as the truth this entire time?

      “Can’t believe nothing the white man has to say!!!! They’ve been lying for ages!!! I do wanna speak on the RISING and falling off kingdoms!!! Can you name a white person that was living over 7,000 YEARS ago???? I think not!!! Whites had not kingdom just kidnappers of black people for hundreds of years!!!!”

      You do know that its not just white have recorded history? And what do you know it isn’t that majorly divergent in the terms of the overall story from what Whites say.(Also hilariously Arabs have been taking Africans as slaves for a much longer time

      When we found them in the caves, long before the kidnapping, they were on all fours and uncivilized and closer to the ape than blacks with all that hair!!! #MindRight #WakeUp #Unapologetic #KNOWTHYSELF #GODSTATUS”

      It really hilarious that you are calling others liars when you yourself spout these lies.


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      “you so called white people conquered no one it was due to our infighting that allowed you cave dwelling troglodyte to come in and so called take over and like an african proverb says when 2 bros fight to the death the stranger gets the house and keys but one thing you bastards have forgotten in your zeal to stay relevant is that the ”

      Yea that sounds entirely plausible and is completely consistent with present day evidence and the historical record from all involved. Also the world was invaded by dragons one hundred years ago, now that statement there sounds like bullshit but it is similarly truthful to your statement.

      “you drugs”

      Blacks actually die at a similar rate from cocaine use.

      “,crime and murder rate among you uncivilized beats of burden is fucking you up”

      Why are you talking about yourself when you try to describe your opponent?

      “is fucking you up theres a lung disease thats only attacking you troglodyte bitches and bastard but now”

      Citation needed for your claims. All you are doing is saying things without presenting evidence to back anything you claim up. Or maybe I am just being to generous with you; I should just assume that you are willfully and consciously lying to all involved.

      “you wanna say were all of african descent lets get along ummmm its too late for that and believe me you the world DONT give no fucks about u wanna be white people youre not loved the world over youre hated to the utmost degree”

      Can you say something intelligible and truthful for once or are you gonna continue to spout bullshit?

      “punctuate you troglodyte wanna be white bitch you cant even intelligently reply to what i said”

      AHAHAHAHA OH WOW! All you do is spout a constant stream of nonsense that you’ve pulled out of your ass, and you say he lacks the ability to intelligently reply!?

      “blumenbach went to the caucuses mountains and grabbed hold of a skull came back to the USA to claim yes I found the perfect skull that represents OUR race lil did they know that skull was a skull of the true indigenous people of the Caucuses mountains that are still there you lil dick prick and they are black people not to mention lying ass hegel you bitches aint shit”

      Oh yes, do tell me how the skull he found was that of Black Person I am shivering with anticipation for the well evidenced argument that proves the skull came from a black person. Until then I’ll just acknowledge the fact that you are talking out of your ass.

      “couldnt speak walk nor think till we taught u”

      Tell me, do you actually believe the lies that you are pelting others with? Because there is zero evidence for this assertion and it is at face completely ridiculous since the ability to walk, talk, and think are things all human beings all over the world possess its absolutely ridiculous to assert any one group of humans taught these fundamental aspects of human existence to other groups. So really you just continue to lie.

      “and built nothing but garbage heaps OMFG bitch byebye bye”

      Once again your just spouting another big load of bullshit. Tell me how did Whites learn how to build Sky Scrapers, Cathedrals, or Castles from people who at best had this.

      “lil dick prick”

      You do know the man with the biggest recorded penis in the world is White?

      “How ridiculous.. A whole bunch of white people refruting truth with more white bullshit..ok.. Lol thats why only whites are born with tails and youre only a small percentage in the world so save it.. Liars”

      And so the liar calls the truth a lie.

      But really I have to ask you this; how you have some much gall as to call other people liars when you have done nothing but pull nonsense from your rear end and try to pass it off as the truth this entire time?

      “Can’t believe nothing the white man has to say!!!! They’ve been lying for ages!!! I do wanna speak on the RISING and falling off kingdoms!!! Can you name a white person that was living over 7,000 YEARS ago???? I think not!!! Whites had not kingdom just kidnappers of black people for hundreds of years!!!!”

      You do know that its not just white have recorded history? And what do you know it isn’t that majorly divergent in the terms of the overall story from what Whites say.(Also hilariously Arabs have been taking Africans as slaves for a much longer time

      “When we found them in the caves, long before the kidnapping, they were on all fours and uncivilized and closer to the ape than blacks with all that hair!!! #MindRight #WakeUp #Unapologetic #KNOWTHYSELF #GODSTATUS”

      It really hilarious that you are calling others liars when you yourself spout these lies.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      Also about the Inuit; Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common among them and it has been repeatedly noted they need high intakes of Vitamin D in food form to prevent Rickets and other bone abnormalities(Also it may be linked to cancer.).


    • TheBootyWarrior says:

      Realize where the term Blackamoures/Blackamoors came from. The word Moors means black lmao. So try again with that hypocritical n!gg@typical bull crap 💩. I know your kind well. You’re one of those white peoples who don’t want to give credit to blacks for anything and label them as the house n!gg3r ones that the American society has made after slavery. Like it or not. So instead of trying to whitewash everything. Actually reroute and find your strange creature race came from. You do know you’re part African “Hue-Man” and half “_________” I’ll leave that blank for you to fill out. I don’t know who started this Afro-centrist crap but common knowledge and research will let you know that all life started in Africa. We are all brothers and sisters… Yeah I said it, you know that country that Donald Drumpf , I mean Trump called a “sh!thole”. Yea they are digging up tons of jewelry out of the ground it’s a sh!thole country lol. I guess Dumb Donald like every other silly uneducated European didn’t realize that Africa is the richest land mass on Earth second to “Antarctica” which they’re keeping top secret squirrel business down there…. back to the point I do agree with Trump that it is a sh!thole country. Every country that the Europeans colonize is a sh!thole country, including America. Now back to the original point.. Go look up on your own people.. Since you people want to separate yourselves from blacks so badly.. Look up the Neanderthals, and the Scythians. You’d be shocked.


    • RaceRealist says:

      The Moors weren’t black. That’s just Afrocentrist bullshit.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      “Realize where the term Blackamoures/Blackamoors came from. The word Moors means black lmao. So try again with that hypocritical n!gg@typical bull crap 💩.”

      Yeah blackamoor was a term made to distinguish Blacks from the original Arab and Berber muslims.

      No it comes from Mauritania which was a nation in North Africa.
      “During the classical period, the Romans interacted with, and later conquered, parts of Mauretania, a state that covered modern northern Morocco, western Algeria, and the Spanish cities Ceuta and Melilla.[12] The Berber tribes of the region were noted in Classical literature as Mauri, which was subsequently rendered as “Moors” in English and in related variations in other European languages.[13] Mauri (Μαῦροι) is recorded as the native name by Strabo in the early 1st century. This appellation was also adopted into Latin, whereas the Greek name for the tribe was Maurusii (Μαυρούσιοι).[14] The Moors were also mentioned by Tacitus as having revolted against the Roman Empire in 24 AD.[15]

      The 16th century scholar Leo Africanus (c. 1494–1554) of Al-Andalus identified the Moors as the native Berber inhabitants of the former Roman Africa Province (Roman Africans). He described Moors as one of five main population groups on the continent alongside Egyptians, Abyssinians (Abassins), Arabians and Cafri (Cafates).”

      Pictures of Moors by their contemporaries the Spaniards or other people who met them personally.

      (Note the red beards are likely not natural, it is common among middle easterners to dye their hair red

      “You’re one of those white peoples who don’t want to give credit to blacks for anything and label them as the house n!gg3r ones that the American society has made after slavery. Like it or not. So instead of trying to whitewash everything. Actually reroute and find your strange creature race came from. You do know you’re part African “Hue-Man” and half “_________” I’ll leave that blank for you to fill out.”

      Once again you are talking out of your ass, firstly all modern Humans have admixture from other subspecies. Secondly your just spewing shit about the word Human.

      “mid-15c., humain, humaigne, “human,” from Old French humain, umain (adj.) “of or belonging to man” (12c.), from Latin humanus “of man, human,” also “humane, philanthropic, kind, gentle, polite; learned, refined, civilized.” This is in part from PIE *(dh)ghomon-, literally “earthling, earthly being,” as opposed to the gods (from root *dhghem- “earth”), but there is no settled explanation of the sound changes involved. Compare Hebrew adam “man,” from adamah “ground.” Cognate with Old Lithuanian žmuo (accusative žmuni) “man, male person.”

      Human interest is from 1824. Human rights attested by 1680s; human being by 1690s. Human relations is from 1916; human resources attested by 1907, American English, apparently originally among social Christians and based on natural resources. Human comedy “sum of human activities” translates French comédie humaine (Balzac); see comedy.”

      “I mean Trump called a “sh!thole”. Yea they are digging up tons of jewelry out of the ground it’s a sh!thole country lol.”

      You have provided no citation for this claim so I could simply dismiss it out of hand but I will instead deconstruct it. Firstly what jewelry? How much? Jewelry is often time dug out of the ground in Europe and other countries so how does this make Africa exceptional?

      “I guess Dumb Donald like every other silly uneducated European didn’t realize that Africa is the richest land mass on Earth second to “Antarctica” which they’re ”

      Are you referring to mineral resources or the wealth in the possession of the people(I am going to guess your referring to mineral resources.)? Well that is completely irrelevant to the meaning of the Shithole comment, it is referring to the actual conditions of the societies of those countries not their mineral reserves.

      “back to the point I do agree with Trump that it is a sh!thole country. Every country that the Europeans colonize is a sh!thole country, including America.”

      No it seems that the African countries that are shitholes today are mostly just still like what they where before European colonization. It seems the ones that have changed the most as a result of European colonization are the least shitholey. Also LOL that you would call America a shithole on the same level as Africa.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Brownguy says:

      I know it hurts to be white and know that everything from science land knowledge gold and many other things where are earned from killing rating stealing and lying about everything that exist. if the richest man in the world till this day is Mansa Musa where the hell did white people come from to take it all just admit it you guys suck at all sports definitely boxing and that everything you learned was from a Slave best one the creations you are known for. To write Outlaws that makes it okay to take people’s property and money and freedom LOL is it alligator and snake in your jeans


    • Destroyeroflies says:

      “I know it hurts to be white”
      Well now everyone should know that you are nothing but a liar.
      “and know that everything from science land knowledge gold and many other things where are earned from killing rating stealing and lying about everything that exist.”
      Why are you talking about yourself when you are trying to describe other people?
      “if the richest man in the world till this day is Mansa Musa”
      That is an extremely contestable assertion.
      “where the hell did white people come from to take it all”
      Yeah sure maybe you should try saying something true for once.
      “just admit it you guys suck at all sports definitely boxing”
      Why would anyone admit to something that false?
      “and that everything you learned was from a Slave best one the creations you are known for.”
      No one believes your lies nitwit.
      “To write Outlaws that makes it okay to take people’s property and money and freedom LOL is it alligator and snake in your jeans”
      Are you even going to spout your bullshit in an intelligible manner, or are you just going vomit unintelligible nonsense out nonstop?


    • parvalueblog says:

      First whites only win because they were cowards! We made freinds we educated you and gave you all great white civilizations that you all love so much. All founded by africans. You have no original language. After all that science philosophy education spirituality to resources so you could have a better chance of survival. You know whit our 200k yrs of experience and all. Africa is about 80% of all european wealth. Europe just needs to go home but then it would starve without africa they dont need aid you just have to leave. And the lack of black billionaire is directly attributed to the theft and destruction of black enterprise. I mean just 50 yrs out of slavery we by far out performed whites who had been free for our entire time through slavery. This embarrassed whitey. So he gave our land to criminal white. Then those criminals killed peacful loving blacks and took thier homes and businesses. This is the only reason for our downfall. Not letting you die pr kill you off. instead we developed you and decieved us. Napoleon says european history is lies agreed upon.. The fact that you think greece rome britain were where they is soley because of whites. We ruled in all of them throughout europe as well. Seeing how Europe was all black once!


    • Detroyeroflies says:

      “First whites only win because they were cowards! We made freinds we educated you and gave you all great white civilizations that you all love so much. All founded by africans.”

      Wow aren’t you an unabashed spewer of lies.

      “You have no original language.”

      Can you at least keep your lies tenuously connected to reality because even by the standards of all your other lies this is ridiculous.

      “After all that science philosophy education spirituality to resources so you could have a better chance of survival.”

      Black Africans contributed quite little to the development of all those things, it was primarily peoples such as Arab(I am lumping Mesopotamians and other ME peoples in with them.), Egyptians, Indians, and East Asians.

      “You know whit our 200k yrs of experience and all.”

      Civilization has only existed for less then ten thousand years nitwit!

      “Africa is about 80% of all european wealth.”

      Do you have any actual facts to back that claim up?

      “Europe just needs to go home but then it would starve without africa”

      How did they survive thousands of years without Africa? oh wait that is you just not thinking your lies through that clearly!

      “they dont need aid you just have to leave.”

      You can keep repeating those lies but it won’t make them true.

      “And the lack of black billionaire is directly attributed to the theft and destruction of black enterprise. I mean just 50 yrs out of slavery we by far out performed whites who had been free for our entire time through slavery.”

      You know no one is believing these lies they are just to barefacedly ridiculous.

      “This embarrassed whitey. So he gave our land to criminal white. Then those criminals killed peacful loving blacks and took thier homes and businesses. This is the only reason for our downfall.”

      Man is spewing anything other then a torrent of lies a physical impossibility for you?

      “Not letting you die pr kill you off. instead we developed you and decieved us.”

      You can keep repeating those lies but they aren’t fooling anyone.

      “Napoleon says european history is lies agreed upon..”

      Once again you do nothing but reveal your own nature as an unabashed spewer of lies.

      He was talking about history in general not just European history and the exact wording is this.

      “What then is, generally speaking, the truth of history? A fable agreed upon.

      “The fact that you think greece rome britain were where they is soley because of whites. We ruled in all of them throughout europe as well.”

      Yeah no they consisted of the same people today as they did during their glory days thousands of years ago and they where ruled by native Europeans or in the case of Rome occasionally by Arabs or near Arabs such as with the Punic Emperor Septimus Severus.

      “Seeing how Europe was all black once!”

      Europe was never “Black”, Blacks just closely resemble the primitive Humans who first settled those lands tens of thousands of years ago, it’s much the same case as saying Humans Evolved from Gorillas or Chimps no those creatures just more closely resemble our common Ancestors from over a million years ago.

      Also Europeans started to diverge heavily from Africans since then and by the time of the Greeks and Romans Europeans where in their current modern form.


    • This whole article is the biggest puppeted Illuminati elite influenced lies I have ever read so far. Whoever wrote this article is a big deceiver and should not be believed. This article was written to stir the minds of the chosen which are the melanin people. The only Neanderthal existent in history or now is the white sun burned cursed cave monkey who is not fully human but instead part reptilian. Or are we supposed to play dumb like queen elizabeth doesn’t prove this???


    • Alvin Mayes says:

      Say this dude is stupid just another white race warrior trying to knock the fact that whites are the real monkeys out here smh just accept the truth.


    • Destroyeroflies says:

      “This whole article is the biggest puppeted Illuminati elite influenced lies I have ever read so far.”

      From your statement here we can reasonably assume that you have no idea what truth and lies are.

      “Whoever wrote this article is a big deceiver and should not be believed.”

      Why are you talking about yourself when trying to describe someone else?

      “This article was written to stir the minds of the chosen which are the melanin people.”

      It was written to speak the truth nitwit.

      “The only Neanderthal existent in history or now is the white sun burned cursed cave monkey who is not fully human but instead part reptilian. Or are we supposed to play dumb like queen elizabeth doesn’t prove this???”

      You done spewing lies?

      “Say this dude is stupid”

      Why are you talking about yourself when trying to describe someone else?

      “just another white race warrior trying to knock the fact that whites are the real monkeys out here”

      If you happen to define the word “fact” in the same way most would define the word “lie”, then I would agree with you.

      “smh just accept the truth.”

      He has already accepted the truth, that is what he is proclaiming here.


    • Leroy says:

      Only whites have tails.Not “Human”. You haven’t explained why?


    • Ashy knuckles says:

      Do you know what the difference between a real albino person and a white man is? An albino is a black person who has an abnormality of the skin. A white person was created using different species along with an albino person. When something evolves, only small changes happen for survival. A monkey DOES NOT JUST EVOLVE INTO A MONKEY. Bo way no how. That’s too much. A white person has to be created. People say we’re all the same. No we are not! White people are so quick to ignore the HUGE differences between black and white people because they don’t want to be inferior. But white people are inferior because they are not 100% human. That’s why they are so much different. Why do they marvel at what we can do? Because we are the real humans and they are not. They are the subhumans, we are the humans. We are the gods, they are MANKIND. Because they are kinda like a man. The RH factor stands for Rhesus monkey because white people and rhesus monkeys share the same biological makeup. That’s why they sent the monkey into space. To see how humans (white people) do in space. They do all kinds of tests on monkeys for the benefit of white people. White rats…white rats share the same albinism as white people. Real albinism is a rare condition…and so is a white rat. Whenever you see one the color is black, brown…But white people have to study on a white rat because of the closeness of albinism to them.white people use to wall on fours and now they don’t…that’s evolution! White people use to be covered with hair all over, now not so much. That’s evolution. A white person just appearing on this planet actin like beasts and dogs and savages dont just evolve from a monkey. They were obviously created. Obviously. And they learned everything from the human beings on this planet. Black people. All of the Greek philosophers studied at universities in Egypt under a pharaoh’s permission. Black people aren’t in the position to be spreading outrageous lies. White people run this world…for now. We’re just simply waking up…to all the lies be and to the knowledge of ourselves and who we really are. Gods and Earths. All you monkeys will once again bow down.


    • Shmoo Shakur says:

      the lack of black billionaires are soley a reason for the oppression of blacks, systematic and institutional racism. do your research on black history in america also mansa musa was the wealthiest man in history even today and he is black


    • Jimmy says:

      You shouldn’t answer in such a comprehensive way, including scientiific evidence based detail and it will only confuse the afroscientists and provoke them into accusing you of being rayciss.


    • Clinton says:

      you all know this is bullshit right? lmao we did not come from Africa. we never related to negroes.


  2. Salmed says:

    Whites and other non-Jiggaboo populations like East Asians have significant Neanderthal admixture. Considering how it’s possible for seperate species to produce fertile if dysfunctional offspring , one could certainly say blacks are a seperate species from populations in North Africa and beyond.


  3. Salmed says:

    I wonder if whoever’s behind that video trolled you and others.


  4. Denny says:

    Whoever or whatever we are……it’s great. I am not ashamed of us either way.


  5. Neanderthal genomes are currently present the most in the Eurasian immune system giving us a jump of 100’s and 1000’s of yrs on African man.

    The current belief that Neanderthal were hunched and not entirely upright were ludicrous as many younger specimen fossils have been found, the current misconception was based on the first findings of an elderly being. More findings suggest that they were the first species to have music as bone flutes were found at a site. Music is arguably the most mental stimulating activity therefore providing him with a complex way of thinking (not just banging two sticks together).

    As for African man being genetically fit compared to Eurasians is completely subjective. What are we basing as being human? an admixture? or a group that lacks admixture?

    I have a theory that may explain why African DNA is more diverse than ours so please bear with me on this.
    We currently know that we inherit 50% of each of our parentage line. And through our life time our individual body’s will alter that DNA that becomes unique to us.
    The African lifespan we know is not quite as long as Eurasians and their ability to breed at a younger age trumps ours. In some extreme cases they have mothered children at the age of 6yrs. Due to their lack of clotting and immune systems they have also had the added stress of death by superficial wounds, disease and illnesses that have decimated them throughout history (and yet their ability to adapt to these diseases or illnesses still lacks, unlike the Europeans ability to survive and adapt to many diseases within our community i.e. syphilis, small pox, various strains of influenza). What i’m getting at is quite simple, if you can squeeze more generations and more population into the lifespan of one Eurasian than it stands possible that more DNA will be altered over a longer period of time.


    • Phil78 says:

      “I have a theory that may explain why African DNA is more diverse than ours so please bear with me on this.
      We currently know that we inherit 50% of each of our parentage line. And through our life time our individual body’s will alter that DNA that becomes unique to us.
      The African lifespan we know is not quite as long as Eurasians and their ability to breed at a younger age trumps ours. In some extreme cases they have mothered children at the age of 6yrs. Due to their lack of clotting and immune systems they have also had the added stress of death by superficial wounds, disease and illnesses that have decimated them throughout history (and yet their ability to adapt to these diseases or illnesses still lacks, unlike the Europeans ability to survive and adapt to many diseases within our community i.e. syphilis, small pox, various strains of influenza). What i’m getting at is quite simple, if you can squeeze more generations and more population into the lifespan of one Eurasian than it stands possible that more DNA will be altered over a longer period of time.”

      That would affect the rate of change through time, not necessarily the overall diversity of a genepool. For instance, you have that many offspring and generations BECAUSE many/most would like die so this doesn’t mean that you would result in many unique DNA mutations.

      Also, crossing over (process making of unique genes) is only occasional on certain genes, not all of them.

      I’ve written an article here explain that it is likely due to their smaller state formation and lack of widespread outbreeding.


    • Jm8 says:

      To Jared:

      “The African lifespan we know is not quite as long as Eurasians and their ability to breed at a younger age trumps ours. In some extreme cases they have mothered children at the age of 6yrs.

      I do not believe that is in evidence. The youngest recorded mother was a Peruvian woman (of Amerindian descent)

      Other youngest ones appear mostly Eurasian: (that is : Latin Americans of likley Mestizo, White or Indian origin; Europeans—esp. Russians seemingly—;and Asians

      Some (many) of the oldest recorded people (centinarians and supercentinarians) in America are blacks (even a bit disporportionaltely it seems). The shorter average life expectancy is likely not genetic, but (at least largely) related to living conditions—ofr instance in the US more die young (there and in the poor countries where most blacks live).


    • Jm8 says:

      Sorry, I meant to Jarrard (mispelled the name).


    • Jm8 says:

      Edit: “…Some (many) of the oldest recorded people (centinarians, supercentinarians, and near-centenarians) in America are blacks…”

      “…related to living conditions—for instance in the US more die young (there and in the poor countries where most blacks live—which for example have higher infant/childhood mortality, and disease. etc.).”


  6. id love to debate racerealist id win hands down chk out my ebook the white mans burden of lies and deceit as well as my blog for more facts


    • RaceRealist says:

      What would you like to debate? I’m always down for a debate. You start.


    • You didnt read my post racerealist hahah come one dude but than again a fool like yourself n other who follow your nonsense cant grasp the fact that so callled white people didnt exist 10k 30 300k yrs ago u just got here some 4k yrs ago as a recsessive recessive trait gene carrier that come from albinos yes whites are descendants of black dravidian albinos oooops you didnt know that how shamefully ignorant you r but pls continue im sure youll tell me so called white built the pyramids and created the greek n roman civilizations as well as the western one cant wait for your infantile reply n oh by the way you may want to have sex with animals and kids since thats what white people do best laws are being passed to make it acceptable to have sex with minors and there are 1000s of animal brothel throughout europe so take your pick boy i tell you u wanna be civilized whites cant help but to go back to your animalistic ways of the asian steppes and also having sex in your own piss and shit with your lover or in a group callled i think SCAT lmaoooo boy by by by stfu sit down i wonder why did my ancestors civilize you backward ass wanna be white people for one ur not white aryan european nor caucasian those titles and names depict blk people oooop did i bust your bubble i mean your Helgian bubble hahahha dumb ass oh n by the way the JEWS have always been blk since day one todays jews are ashkenazic meaning their father was ashkenaz a gentile that converted to the african judaic way of life not only that ex prsident of egypt abdel nezzar i believe is correct stated matter of factly the The JEWS left Black n came back White Israel will never know peace why because you so called white are truly the devil every where u went u saw nothing but indigenous black people on every continent n u set out to destroy those advanced civilization until this very moment why because thats what u do you all brough the 4 Ds death destruction disease annd despai to the world n decivilized it how proud u must be to set us back 500yrs boy by by byeeee if blk people stayed in power after losing control of spain after 800 yrs in 1492 wed be 500 yrs more advanced than what we are now and thats just for starters ill wait for your unintelligble unintelligent reply if i get one


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      “You didnt read my post racerealist hahah come one dude but than again a fool like yourself n other who follow your nonsense cant grasp the fact that so callled white people didnt exist 10k 30 300k yrs ago u just got here some 4k yrs ago as a recsessive recessive trait gene carrier that come from albinos yes whites are descendants of black dravidian albinos oooops you didnt know that how shamefully ignorant you r but pls continue im sure youll ”

      Do you have a single fact to back any single thing you just said up? No you don’t you literally pulled all of that out of your ass.

      “tell me so called white built the pyramids ”

      I am pretty sure he never said that.

      “nd created the greek n roman civilizations as well as the western one cant wait for your ”

      Yea they where mostly White not Black, and the only major non Whites segments where tanned Mediterraneans.

      “ne cant wait for your infantile reply ”

      Ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black.

      “oh by the way you may want to have sex with animals and kids since thats what white people do best laws are being passed to make it acceptable to have sex with minors and ”

      Firstly citation needed, secondly Africa by most measures has quite a but more child sex then Europe or other White lands(In fact in a number of places there aren’t even laws against it or laws only popped up in the last few yeas.).

      Click to access Sexual_l_Exploitation_paper_World_Concgress_Final__2_.pdf

      “there are 1000s of animal brothel throughout europe so take your pick boy i tell you u wanna be civilized whites cant help but to go”

      Citation needed you fucking nonce.

      Wait no there are articles available that already debunk this.


      ” so take your pick boy i tell you u wanna be civilized whites cant help but to go back to your animalistic ways of the asian steppes and also having sex in your own piss and shit with your lover or in a group callled i think SCAT lmaoooo boy by by by stfu sit down i wonder why did my ancestors civilize you backward ass wanna be white people for one ur not white aryan european nor caucasian those titles and names depict blk people oooop did i bust your bubble i mean your Helgian bubble hahahha dumb ass”

      Your infantile delusional insults really show just how intelligent you are.

      “JEWS have always been blk since day one todays jews are ashkenazic meaning their father was ashkenaz a gentile that converted to the african judaic way of life not only that ex prsident of egypt abdel nezzar i believe is correct stated matter of factly the The JEWS left Black n came back White Israel will never know peace why because you so calle ”

      No, they have always been semites you fucking nonce IE they where pretty close to Arabs and resembled them most closely.

      “every where u went u saw nothing but indigenous black people on every continent n u set out to destroy those advanced civilization until this very moment why because thats what u do you all brough the 4 Ds death destruction disease annd despai to the world n decivilized it how proud u must be to set us back 500yrs boy by by byeeee if blk people stayed in power after losing control of spain after 800 yrs in 1492 wed be 500 yrs more advanced than what we are now and thats just for starter”

      No, you are blatantly making up utter bullshit. Egypt and most North Africans have and since ancient times have been an Arab like people.

      “ill wait for your unintelligble unintelligent reply if i get one”

      Are you literally incapable of doing anything but psychological projection? You own posts are nothing but illogical rambling messes consisting entirely of nonsense you pulled out of your ass.


    • LOADED says:

      RR is very logical but lacks a lot of abstract reasoning skills that he could improve on.


  7. Henry T. Sampson, the Black man who invented the cell phone

    On July 6th, 1971, Henry T. Sampson invented the “gamma-electric cell”, which pertains to Nuclear Reactor use. According to Dr. Sampson, the Gamma Electric Cell, patented July 6, 1971, Patent No. 3,591,860 produces stable high-voltage output and current to detect radiation in the ground.


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      “Sampson is a prolific inventor who holds several U.S. patents. In 1971, he co-invented the Gamma-Electric cell with George H. Miley. The Gamma-Electric cell converts high radiation energy (gamma rays) to electricity. Due to his co-invention of the Gamma-Electric cell, Sampson is mistakenly cited as the inventor of the cell phone.”

      And you call other people liars. You consistently pull things out of your ass that are very heavily contradicted by reality and are far beyond what anyone with half a brain says.


  8. 2 yrs before martin dumb ass


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      “2 yrs before martin”

      He coinvented the gamma electric cell(With a white man, he did not invent the cellphone, groups like Blackpast will admit this. You(and presumably a few others.) are pulling things out of your asses, it is literally provable that he did not invent the cellphone.

      ” dumb ass”

      No really I am shivering with anticipation to know why you are so obsessed with describing yourself when your trying to talk about other people?


  9. there’s a big difference between whites and blks based on melanin whites have sulfur based melanin whereas blks are selenium based blk babies mature faster and are able to sit up n notice their parents and surrounding 6 mos prior to white babies. whites are more prone to violence, pedophilia, rapes, murders drug abuse than all so called races combined. Lewist lattimer created the filament for the light bulb and not the guy u mentioned n yes the moors were indeed blk


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      “there’s a big difference between whites and blks based on melanin whites have sulfur based melanin”


      “whites are more prone to violence, pedophilia, rapes, murders drug abuse than all so called races combined.”

      AHAHAHAH OW WOW!!! You really are delusional! For one in America and other countries Whites are pretty much never over represented in any form of crime.

      Crime statistics actually try to hide this in America by counting Latinos as Whites.(Heres a tip take the White numbers and subtract the Lation vs non Latino number at the end to get the true value.)
      “The UCR classifies most Hispanics into the “white” category. The NCVS classifies some Hispanic criminals as “white” and some as “other race”. The victim categories for the NCVS are more distinct.

      According to a report by the National Council of La Raza, research obstacles undermine the census of Latinos in prison, and “Latinos in the criminal justice system are seriously undercounted. The true extent of the overrepresentation of Latinos in the system probably is significantly greater than researchers have been able to document. Lack of empirical data on Latinos is partially due to prisons’ failures to document race at intake, or recording practices that historically have classified Latinos as white.[19]

      Overall the FBI didn’t include a ‘Latino’ or ‘Hispanic’ category until recently and 93% of Hispanics are classified as “white” by law enforcement officers (irrespective of their ancestry) often inflating actual white criminal statistics.[20][21]”

      “Lewist lattimer created the filament for the light bulb and not the guy u mentioned”

      LOL no, what he did was invent a form of filament. Some twenty so people had already invented filaments before he made his.


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      ” n yes the moors were indeed blk”

      No, they where primarily Arabs and the Arab like Berbers. Pictures of moors by the people who actually met them.


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      “there’s a big difference between whites and blks based on melanin whites have sulfur based melanin”

      CITATION FUCKING NEEDEd!!! You are just throwing things out with out even bothering to try and prove anything you say in the slightest!

      “whites are more prone to violence, pedophilia, rapes, murders drug abuse than all so called races combined.”

      AHAHAHAHa OW WOW!!! You really are delusional! For one in America and other countries Whites are pretty much never over represented in any form of crime.

      Crime statistics actually try to hide this in America by counting Latinos as Whites.(Heres a tip take the White numbers and subtract the Lation vs non Latino number at the end to get the true value.)
      “The UCR classifies most Hispanics into the “white” category. The NCVS classifies some Hispanic criminals as “white” and some as “other race”. The victim categories for the NCVS are more distinct.

      According to a report by the National Council of La Raza, research obstacles undermine the census of Latinos in prison, and “Latinos in the criminal justice system are seriously undercounted. The true extent of the overrepresentation of Latinos in the system probably is significantly greater than researchers have been able to document. Lack of empirical data on Latinos is partially due to prisons’ failures to document race at intake, or recording practices that historically have classified Latinos as white.[19]

      Overall the FBI didn’t include a ‘Latino’ or ‘Hispanic’ category until recently and 93% of Hispanics are classified as “white” by law enforcement officers (irrespective of their ancestry) often inflating actual white criminal statistics.[20][21]”

      So you are once again just talking out of your ass.

      “Lewist lattimer created the filament for the light bulb and not the guy u mentioned”

      LOL no, what he did was invent a form of filament. Some twenty so people had already invented filaments before he made his.

      “Joseph Swan (1828–1914) was a British physicist and chemist. In 1850, he began working with carbonized paper filaments in an evacuated glass bulb. By 1860, he was able to demonstrate a working device but the lack of a good vacuum and an adequate supply of electricity resulted in a short lifetime for the bulb and an inefficient source of light. By the mid-1870s better pumps became available, and Swan returned to his experiments.[31]

      Historical plaque at Underhill, the first house to be lit by electric lights
      With the help of Charles Stearn, an expert on vacuum pumps, in 1878, Swan developed a method of processing that avoided the early bulb blackening. This received a British Patent in 1880.[32][dubious – discuss] On 18 December 1878, a lamp using a slender carbon rod was shown at a meeting of the Newcastle Chemical Society, and Swan gave a working demonstration at their meeting on 17 January 1879. It was also shown to 700 who attended a meeting of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle upon Tyne on 3 February 1879.[33] These lamps used a carbon rod from an arc lamp rather than a slender filament. Thus they had low resistance and required very large conductors to supply the necessary current, so they were not commercially practical, although they did furnish a demonstration of the possibilities of incandescent lighting with relatively high vacuum, a carbon conductor, and platinum lead-in wires. This bulb lasted about 40 hours.[34] Swan then turned his attention to producing a better carbon filament and the means of attaching its ends. He devised a method of treating cotton to produce ‘parchmentised thread’ in the early 1880s and obtained British Patent 4933 that same year.[32] From this year he began installing light bulbs in homes and landmarks in England. His house, Underhill, Low Fell, Gateshead, was the first in the world to be lit by a lightbulb and also the first house in the world to be lit by hydroelectric power. In 1878 the home of Lord Armstrong at Cragside was also among the first houses to be lit by electricity. In the early 1880s he had started his company.[35] In 1881, the Savoy Theatre in the City of Westminster, London was lit by Swan incandescent lightbulbs, which was the first theatre, and the first public building in the world, to be lit entirely by electricity.[36] The first street in the world to be lit by an incandescent lightbulb was Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. It was lit by Joseph Swan’s incandescent lamp on 3 February 1879.[37][38]

      Edison carbon filament lamps, early 1880s

      Thomas Alva Edison
      Thomas Edison began serious research into developing a practical incandescent lamp in 1878. Edison filed his first patent application for “Improvement In Electric Lights” on 14 October 1878.[39] After many experiments, first with carbon in the early 1880s and then with platinum and other metals, in the end Edison returned to a carbon filament.[40] The first successful test was on 22 October 1879,[41][42] and lasted 13.5 hours. Edison continued to improve this design and by 4 November 1879, filed for a US patent for an electric lamp using “a carbon filament or strip coiled and connected … to platina contact wires.”[43] Although the patent described several ways of creating the carbon filament including using “cotton and linen thread, wood splints, papers coiled in various ways,”[43] Edison and his team later discovered that a carbonized bamboo filament could last more than 1200 hours.[44] In 1880, the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company steamer, Columbia, became the first application for Edison’s incandescent electric lamps (it was also the first ship to use a dynamo).[45][46][47]

      Albon Man, a New York lawyer, started Electro-Dynamic Light Company in 1878 to exploit his patents and those of William Sawyer.[48][49] Weeks later the United States Electric Lighting Company was organized.[48][49][50] This company didn’t make their first commercial installation of incandescent lamps until the fall of 1880 at the Mercantile Safe Deposit Company in New York City, about six months after the Edison incandescent lamps had been installed on the Columbia. Hiram S. Maxim was the chief engineer at the United States Electric Lighting Company.[51]

      Lewis Latimer, employed at the time by Edison, developed an improved method of heat-treating carbon filaments which reduced breakage and allowed them to be molded into novel shapes, such as the characteristic “M” shape of Maxim filaments. On 17 January 1882, Latimer received a patent for the “Process of Manufacturing Carbons”, an improved method for the production of light bulb filaments, which was purchased by the United States Electric Light Company.[52] Latimer patented other improvements such as a better way of attaching filaments to their wire supports.[53]

      In Britain, the Edison and Swan companies merged into the Edison and Swan United Electric Company (later known as Ediswan, and ultimately incorporated into Thorn Lighting Ltd). Edison was initially against this combination, but after Swan sued him and won, Edison was eventually forced to cooperate, and the merger was made. Eventually, Edison acquired all of Swan’s interest in the company. Swan sold his US patent rights to the Brush Electric Company in June 1882.

      U.S. Patent 0,223,898 by Thomas Edison for an improved electric lamp, 27 January 1880
      The United States Patent Office gave a ruling 8 October 1883, that Edison’s patents were based on the prior art of William Sawyer and were invalid. Litigation continued for a number of years. Eventually on 6 October 1889, a judge ruled that Edison’s electric light improvement claim for “a filament of carbon of high resistance” was valid.[54]

      In 1896 Italian inventor Arturo Malignani (1865–1939) patented an evacuation method for mass production, which allowed obtaining economic bulbs lasting 800 hours. The patent was acquired by Edison in 1898.[31]

      In 1897, German physicist and chemist Walther Nernst developed the Nernst lamp, a form of incandescent lamp that used a ceramic globar and did not require enclosure in a vacuum or inert gas.[55][56] Twice as efficient as carbon filament lamps, Nernst lamps were briefly popular until overtaken by lamps using metal filaments.

      Revolution of the tungsten filament, inert gas, and the coiled coil

      Hanaman (left) and Dr. Just (right), the inventors of the tungsten bulbs

      Hungarian advertising of the Tungsram-bulb from 1906. This was the first light bulb that used a filament made from tungsten instead of carbon. The inscription reads: wire lamp with a drawn wire – indestructible.

      Spectrum of an incandescent lamp at 2200K, showing most of its emission as invisible infrared light.
      On 13 December 1904, Hungarian Sándor Just and Croatian Franjo Hanaman were granted a Hungarian patent (No. 34541) for a tungsten filament lamp that lasted longer and gave brighter light than the carbon filament.[31] Tungsten filament lamps were first marketed by the Hungarian company Tungsram in 1904. This type is often called Tungsram-bulbs in many European countries.[57] Filling a bulb with an inert gas such as argon or nitrogen retards the evaporation of the tungsten filament compared to operating it in a vacuum. This allows for greater temperatures and therefore greater efficacy with less reduction in filament life.[58]

      In 1906, William D. Coolidge developed a method of making “ductile tungsten” from sintered tungsten which could be made into filaments while working for General Electric Company. By 1911 General Electric began selling incandescent light bulbs with ductile tungsten wire.

      In 1913, Irving Langmuir found that filling a lamp with inert gas instead of a vacuum resulted in twice the luminous efficacy and reduction of bulb blackening.

      In 1917, Burnie Lee Benbow was granted a patent for inventing the coiled coil filament.[59] In 1921, Junichi Miura created the first double-coil bulb using a coiled coil tungsten filament while working for Hakunetsusha (a predecessor of Toshiba). At the time, machinery to mass-produce coiled coil filaments did not exist. Hakunetsusha developed a method to mass-produce coiled coil filaments by 1936.[60]

      Between 1924 and the outbreak of the Second World War, the Phoebus cartel attempted to fix prices and sales quotas for bulb manufacturers outside of North America.

      In 1925, Marvin Pipkin, an American chemist, patented a process for frosting the inside of lamp bulbs without weakening them, and in 1947, he patented a process for coating the inside of lamps with silica.

      In 1930, Hungarian Imre Bródy filled lamps with krypton gas rather than argon, and designed a process to obtain krypton from air. Production of krypton filled lamps based on his invention started at Ajka in 1937, in a factory co-designed by Polányi and Hungarian-born physicist Egon Orowan.[61]

      By 1964, improvements in efficiency and production of incandescent lamps had reduced the cost of providing a given quantity of light by a factor of thirty, compared with the cost at introduction of Edison’s lighting system.[62]

      Consumption of incandescent light bulbs grew rapidly in the US. In 1885, an estimated 300,000 general lighting service lamps were sold, all with carbon filaments. When tungsten filaments were introduced, about 50 million lamp sockets existed in the US. In 1914, 88.5 million lamps were used, (only 15% with carbon filaments), and by 1945, annual sales of lamps were 795 million (more than 5 lamps per person per year).[63]”

      ” n yes the moors were indeed blk”

      No, they where primarily Arabs and the Arab like Berbers. Pictures of moors by the people who actually met them exist and they look more like those peoples then Blacks.


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      Okay have gone through the effort to try to verify your claims about sulfur based melanin it exists somewhat(Pheomelanin isn’t sulfur based but it has sulfur components.), however both Whites and Blacks and people of all other races posses it and so far it has no effects on anything besides the Skin.'s_Tortoise_Eurotestudo_boettgeri
      “Detectable levels of pheomelanin are also detected in human skin regardless of race, color, and skin type.”

      Also maturing faster(Which you still haven’t provided any evidence for.) actually in no way supports the claim of mental superiority, in fact all evidence points to the opposite.

      It been repeatedly found that more intelligent lifeforms have longer maturation periods, this is most profoundly demonstrated in primates where the fastest developing primates such as Monkeys and Chimps are generally measured as having less measurable intelligence compared to primates with longer maturation periods such as Gorillas and Orangutans.

      Also evidence shows the same pattern holds true for Humans.


    • RaceRealist says:

      Rushton discusses data of faster maturation.


  10. Latimer received a patent in January 1881 for the “Process of Manufacturing Carbons”, an improved method for the production of carbon filaments used in lightbulbs.[6][7]

    The Edison Electric Light Company in New York City hired Latimer in 1884, as a draftsman and an expert witness in patent litigation on electric lights. Latimer is credited with an improved process for creating a carbon filament at this time, which was an improvement on Thomas Edison’s original paper filament, which would burn out quickly.[8] When that company was combined in 1892 with the Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric, he continued to work in the legal department. In 1911 he became a patent consultant to law firms.[9]


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      “Joseph Swan (1828–1914) was a British physicist and chemist. In 1850, he began working with carbonized paper filaments in an evacuated glass bulb. By 1860, he was able to demonstrate a working device but the lack of a good vacuum and an adequate supply of electricity resulted in a short lifetime for the bulb and an inefficient source of light. By the mid-1870s better pumps became available, and Swan returned to his experiments.[31]

      Historical plaque at Underhill, the first house to be lit by electric lights
      With the help of Charles Stearn, an expert on vacuum pumps, in 1878, Swan developed a method of processing that avoided the early bulb blackening. This received a British Patent in 1880.[32][dubious – discuss] On 18 December 1878, a lamp using a slender carbon rod was shown at a meeting of the Newcastle Chemical Society, and Swan gave a working demonstration at their meeting on 17 January 1879. It was also shown to 700 who attended a meeting of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle upon Tyne on 3 February 1879.[33] These lamps used a carbon rod from an arc lamp rather than a slender filament. Thus they had low resistance and required very large conductors to supply the necessary current, so they were not commercially practical, although they did furnish a demonstration of the possibilities of incandescent lighting with relatively high vacuum, a carbon conductor, and platinum lead-in wires. This bulb lasted about 40 hours.[34] Swan then turned his attention to producing a better carbon filament and the means of attaching its ends. He devised a method of treating cotton to produce ‘parchmentised thread’ in the early 1880s and obtained British Patent 4933 that same year.[32] From this year he began installing light bulbs in homes and landmarks in England. His house, Underhill, Low Fell, Gateshead, was the first in the world to be lit by a lightbulb and also the first house in the world to be lit by hydroelectric power. In 1878 the home of Lord Armstrong at Cragside was also among the first houses to be lit by electricity. In the early 1880s he had started his company.[35] In 1881, the Savoy Theatre in the City of Westminster, London was lit by Swan incandescent lightbulbs, which was the first theatre, and the first public building in the world, to be lit entirely by electricity.[36] The first street in the world to be lit by an incandescent lightbulb was Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. It was lit by Joseph Swan’s incandescent lamp on 3 February 1879.[37][38]

      Edison carbon filament lamps, early 1880s

      Thomas Alva Edison
      Thomas Edison began serious research into developing a practical incandescent lamp in 1878. Edison filed his first patent application for “Improvement In Electric Lights” on 14 October 1878.[39] After many experiments, first with carbon in the early 1880s and then with platinum and other metals, in the end Edison returned to a carbon filament.[40] The first successful test was on 22 October 1879,[41][42] and lasted 13.5 hours. Edison continued to improve this design and by 4 November 1879, filed for a US patent for an electric lamp using “a carbon filament or strip coiled and connected … to platina contact wires.”[43] Although the patent described several ways of creating the carbon filament including using “cotton and linen thread, wood splints, papers coiled in various ways,”[43] Edison and his team later discovered that a carbonized bamboo filament could last more than 1200 hours.[44] In 1880, the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company steamer, Columbia, became the first application for Edison’s incandescent electric lamps (it was also the first ship to use a dynamo).[45][46][47]

      Albon Man, a New York lawyer, started Electro-Dynamic Light Company in 1878 to exploit his patents and those of William Sawyer.[48][49] Weeks later the United States Electric Lighting Company was organized.[48][49][50] This company didn’t make their first commercial installation of incandescent lamps until the fall of 1880 at the Mercantile Safe Deposit Company in New York City, about six months after the Edison incandescent lamps had been installed on the Columbia. Hiram S. Maxim was the chief engineer at the United States Electric Lighting Company.[51]

      Lewis Latimer, employed at the time by Edison, developed an improved method of heat-treating carbon filaments which reduced breakage and allowed them to be molded into novel shapes, such as the characteristic “M” shape of Maxim filaments. On 17 January 1882, Latimer received a patent for the “Process of Manufacturing Carbons”, an improved method for the production of light bulb filaments, which was purchased by the United States Electric Light Company.[52] Latimer patented other improvements such as a better way of attaching filaments to their wire supports.[53]

      In Britain, the Edison and Swan companies merged into the Edison and Swan United Electric Company (later known as Ediswan, and ultimately incorporated into Thorn Lighting Ltd). Edison was initially against this combination, but after Swan sued him and won, Edison was eventually forced to cooperate, and the merger was made. Eventually, Edison acquired all of Swan’s interest in the company. Swan sold his US patent rights to the Brush Electric Company in June 1882.

      U.S. Patent 0,223,898 by Thomas Edison for an improved electric lamp, 27 January 1880
      The United States Patent Office gave a ruling 8 October 1883, that Edison’s patents were based on the prior art of William Sawyer and were invalid. Litigation continued for a number of years. Eventually on 6 October 1889, a judge ruled that Edison’s electric light improvement claim for “a filament of carbon of high resistance” was valid.[54]

      In 1896 Italian inventor Arturo Malignani (1865–1939) patented an evacuation method for mass production, which allowed obtaining economic bulbs lasting 800 hours. The patent was acquired by Edison in 1898.[31]

      In 1897, German physicist and chemist Walther Nernst developed the Nernst lamp, a form of incandescent lamp that used a ceramic globar and did not require enclosure in a vacuum or inert gas.[55][56] Twice as efficient as carbon filament lamps, Nernst lamps were briefly popular until overtaken by lamps using metal filaments.

      Revolution of the tungsten filament, inert gas, and the coiled coil

      Hanaman (left) and Dr. Just (right), the inventors of the tungsten bulbs

      Hungarian advertising of the Tungsram-bulb from 1906. This was the first light bulb that used a filament made from tungsten instead of carbon. The inscription reads: wire lamp with a drawn wire – indestructible.

      Spectrum of an incandescent lamp at 2200K, showing most of its emission as invisible infrared light.
      On 13 December 1904, Hungarian Sándor Just and Croatian Franjo Hanaman were granted a Hungarian patent (No. 34541) for a tungsten filament lamp that lasted longer and gave brighter light than the carbon filament.[31] Tungsten filament lamps were first marketed by the Hungarian company Tungsram in 1904. This type is often called Tungsram-bulbs in many European countries.[57] Filling a bulb with an inert gas such as argon or nitrogen retards the evaporation of the tungsten filament compared to operating it in a vacuum. This allows for greater temperatures and therefore greater efficacy with less reduction in filament life.[58]

      In 1906, William D. Coolidge developed a method of making “ductile tungsten” from sintered tungsten which could be made into filaments while working for General Electric Company. By 1911 General Electric began selling incandescent light bulbs with ductile tungsten wire.

      In 1913, Irving Langmuir found that filling a lamp with inert gas instead of a vacuum resulted in twice the luminous efficacy and reduction of bulb blackening.

      In 1917, Burnie Lee Benbow was granted a patent for inventing the coiled coil filament.[59] In 1921, Junichi Miura created the first double-coil bulb using a coiled coil tungsten filament while working for Hakunetsusha (a predecessor of Toshiba). At the time, machinery to mass-produce coiled coil filaments did not exist. Hakunetsusha developed a method to mass-produce coiled coil filaments by 1936.[60]

      Between 1924 and the outbreak of the Second World War, the Phoebus cartel attempted to fix prices and sales quotas for bulb manufacturers outside of North America.

      In 1925, Marvin Pipkin, an American chemist, patented a process for frosting the inside of lamp bulbs without weakening them, and in 1947, he patented a process for coating the inside of lamps with silica.

      In 1930, Hungarian Imre Bródy filled lamps with krypton gas rather than argon, and designed a process to obtain krypton from air. Production of krypton filled lamps based on his invention started at Ajka in 1937, in a factory co-designed by Polányi and Hungarian-born physicist Egon Orowan.[61]

      By 1964, improvements in efficiency and production of incandescent lamps had reduced the cost of providing a given quantity of light by a factor of thirty, compared with the cost at introduction of Edison’s lighting system.[62]

      Consumption of incandescent light bulbs grew rapidly in the US. In 1885, an estimated 300,000 general lighting service lamps were sold, all with carbon filaments. When tungsten filaments were introduced, about 50 million lamp sockets existed in the US. In 1914, 88.5 million lamps were used, (only 15% with carbon filaments), and by 1945, annual sales of lamps were 795 million (more than 5 lamps per person per year).[63]”

      The article’s point still stands. Lewis did not invent filaments, he just made a change to the design of filaments.


    • Factsoverfeelings says:

      Bro, stop debating with them. They are using Wikipedia and various websites that they came across for the first time as sources lol. That is not even accepted in academia. No books from reputable scholars, but they leave comments such as “open a book”Leave them be. It’s well past due the time for us to separate. The truth cannot be hidden forever.


    • RaceRealist says:

      Yes. Open a book. What truth cannot be hidden forever?


  11. white people are derivatives n or descendants of dravidian albinos that were chased out of the asian steppes while being pursued by tuks persians mongols and turned into shoe leather jackets and book binders ie King James bible was skin from the backs of so called whites


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      Actually Whites are transcendent aliens from 1000th dimension! Now that sounds untrue but it as truthful and connected to reality as what you have just said.

      But really I have to ask you do you actually think anyone with a brain will believe your lies? You are literally just pulling things out of your ass and throwing them around. There is literally no evidence you are providing for any single one of your claims your making here. You are just making things up and spitting them out.

      Now funny enough books bound in human skin actually exist but there literally no known example of bible bound in human skin(Also there is no evidence the peoples you mentioned made books from Human skin.).


  12. read the invention of the white race n the ice mans inheritance as well as my book the white mans burden of lies and deceit by isaiah israel


  13. to conclude theres nothing new under the sun what is was and what was shall be again therefore the use of electricity was created by egyptian whom you know to be blk people and the use of light as well how can one describe the intricacies of the tunnel system of twist n turns and the depths of those turns with out the use of light to illuminate their way down and into the deeper levels of the sphinx but than again im sure youll say the egyptians were white lmaoooo dumb asses


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      “to conclude theres nothing new under the sun what is was and what was shall be again therefore the use of electricity was created by egyptian whom you know to be blk people and the use of light as well how can one describe the intricacies of the tunnel system of twist n turns and the depths of those turns with out the use of light to illuminate their way down and into the deeper levels of the sphinx but than again im sure ”

      Citation needed

      “say the egyptians were white lmaoooo dumb asses”

      They are most closely related to Arabs dumb ass.


    • RaceRealist says:

      They’re more closely related to Copts.


  14. as far as affirmative action goes it benefits whites more so than blk since whites were the slaves in America originally speaking that had little or no value in terms of education and work as they were considered dispensable property ie under the feudal system of Europe as well as the feudal turned capitalistic system here in the Americas.

    Since the African and Native population were familiar with farming,livestock,and growth of various crops this lead to a successful harvest among the so-called settlers which took advantage of the knowledge of the native and African settlers and planters till they were able to subsist on their own while turning the historical native of the slave on its head.

    Later this gave rise to Unions that benefited white males who were jobless and at the expense of so-called blk workers which ultimately lead to redlining and other horrific acts to keep and marginalize the blk population


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      You have not presented a single thing to back your arguments up in the slightest. Literally can you present a single piece of evidence to back anything you just claimed up!?

      Really how can you act so confident and call others liars when all you are doing is spouting shit with nothing presented to back it up?




    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      LOL, no you are just spouting shit again. The inventor of the cell phone was you nonce!

      “Cooper left his first job at Teletype Corporation in Chicago in 1954 and joined Motorola, Inc. (Schaumburg, Illinois) as a senior development engineer in the mobile equipment group. He developed many products including the first cellular-like portable handheld police radio system, produced for the Chicago police department in 1967. [13][14]

      By the early 1970s, Cooper headed up Motorola’s communications systems division.[7] Here he conceived of the first portable cellular phone in 1973 and led the 10-year process of bringing it to market.[5] Car phones had been in limited use in large U.S. cities since the 1930s but Cooper defied the industry’s narrow vision of car phones and championed cellular telephony for personal, portable communications.[15] Cooper knew that people needed the freedom of anytime, anywhere telephony. He knew the cellular phone should be a “personal telephone – something that would represent an individual so you could assign a number; not to a place, not to a desk, not to a home, but to a person.” [7] While it has been stated Cooper’s vision for the handheld device was inspired by Captain James T. Kirk using his Communicator on the television show Star Trek,[16] Cooper himself later refuted this, stating that his actual inspiration was Dick Tracy’s wrist radio.[17]

      Top management at Motorola was supportive of Cooper’s mobile phone concept; investing $100 million between 1973 and 1993 before any revenues were realized.[18] Cooper assembled a team that designed and assembled a product that had never been built; a task they accomplished in less than 90 days. That original handset, called the DynaTAC 8000x (DYNamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage) weighed 2.5 pounds (1.1 kg), measured 10 inches (25 cm) long and was dubbed “the brick” or “the shoe” phone.[19] A very substantial part of the DynaTAC was the battery which weighed four to five times more than a modern cell phone.[4] The phone had only 20 minutes of talk time before requiring a 10-hour recharge but according to Cooper, “The battery lifetime wasn’t really a problem because you couldn’t hold that phone up for that long!” By 1983 and after four iterations, the handset was reduced to half its original weight.

      Cooper is the lead inventor named on “radio telephone system” filed on October 17, 1973 with the U.S. Patent Office and later issued as U.S. Patent 3,906,166.[20] John Francis Mitchell, Motorola’s Chief of Portable Communication Products (and Cooper’s Manager and Mentor) and the engineers who worked for Cooper and Mitchell are also named on the patent.

      On April 3, 1973 Cooper and Mitchell demonstrated two working phones to the media and to passers-by prior to walking into a scheduled press conference at the New York Hilton in midtown Manhattan. Standing on Sixth avenue near the Hilton, Cooper made the first handheld cellular phone call in public from the prototype DynaTAC. The call connected him to a base station Motorola had installed on the roof of the Burlington House (now the AllianceBernstein Building) and into the AT&T land-line telephone system.[13] Reporters and onlookers watched as Cooper dialed the number of his chief competitor Dr. Joel S. Engel at ATT.[21] “Joel, this is Marty. I’m calling you from a cell phone, a real handheld portable cell phone.” [22] That public demonstration landed the DynaTAC on the July 1973 cover of Popular Science Magazine.[13] As Cooper recalls from the experience: “I made numerous calls, including one where I crossed the street while talking to a New York radio reporter – probably one of the more dangerous things I have ever done in my life.”

      Cooper holding a DynaTAC cellphone in 2007
      That first cell phone began a fundamental technology and communications market shift to making phone calls to a person instead of to a place.[3][19] Bell Labs had introduced the idea of cellular communications in 1947 but they wanted the first system limited to car phones which required roughly 30 pounds (12 kg) of equipment in the trunk.[21] The technological breakthrough engineered by Cooper demonstrated the kind of creative innovation that competition could bring; resulting in a major achievement for Motorola. They gained Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approval for cellular licenses to be assigned to competing entities and prevented an AT&T monopoly on cellular service.[13]

      Cooper worked at Motorola for 29 years; building and managing both its paging and cellular businesses. He also led the creation of trunked mobile radio, quartz crystals, oscillators, liquid crystal displays, piezo-electric components, Motorola A. M. stereo technology and various mobile and portable two-way radio product lines.

      Cooper rose through the ranks to become Vice-President and Corporate Director of Research and Development at Motorola.[1] In addition to his ground-breaking work on the mobile cellular phone, Cooper was instrumental in significantly expanding the technology of pagers from use within a single building to use across multiple cities.[5] He also fixed a flaw in quartz crystals used in Motorola’s radios which encouraged the Company to mass-produce the first crystals used in wrist watches.[5]”

      What he did was supposedly invent a number of improvements to the design of cell phones.

      So once again you are just pulling lies from your ass and being offended that people are calling your lies out.


  16. the only homo sapien sapiens are the blk man and woman so called white are sub human humanoid man like species although they can mate with real humans its a very deleterious affair since so called have have the most corrupt gene pool on earth that gives rise to all kinds of diseases


  17. Christopher Woods says:

    White people are inferior. .we lack melanin which is superior which is why we die of skin cancer..
    The only pure human is the African…that is why I m going to marry a pure african woman to get the pure Hume a melanin in my children will not fear the soon and will have less neanderthal dna.


    • RaceRealist says:

      White people are inferior. .we lack melanin which is superior which is why we die of skin cancer..

      Populations that migrated north have light skin since it’s better to synthesize vitamin D when the Sun’s rays aren’t’ as intense as they are in tropical climes. You should read The Evolution of Human Skin Variation and get back to me when you do.


    • Barbara Minchew says:

      Christopher we whites have melanin too.everyone does.they are several sites on internet you can go on..i respect your opinion. That is your right.i have looked it up on think i am gentleman before me is very upset and he can think what he wants .i just wanted to tell you.thank you.barbara


  18. white people as we know them today are descendants of DRAVIDIAN ALBINOS n not due to any cold weather adaptation


  19. Race realist u fool u look it up I know but you dont hahahha why oh why did my ancestors civilize you uncivilizable beast of burden 2 times is beyond me you so called whites are incapable of acting civil with your fellow man n nature you fuck literally each other in your own shit n piss swallow it vomit it back up and fuck each other in it aggainyour so prideful you cant even see your own demise happening to you world wide geeezzz you people are not loved worldwide and all the hate you gave is coming back as we speak lmaoooooo


  20. Laila says:

    My my my….how we try to authenticate ourselves by degrading the other with name calling. Why is it so important to down play a person’s intelligence? People we don’t know anything for sure…do we? We only know what we’ve read..what we’ve been told. Who is to say any of it is true. It is then that we get in trouble because we start speculating….making asumptions…using theories that we all logic..or common sense. Let us forget about being top dog for a minute it is only pride that sends you there.


  21. toomuch says:

    Whites are jealous of my beautiful black people! They wish they had our rich blood


  22. toomuch says:

    We built this world from the ground up


  23. Deez says:

    This is the dumbest rebuttal I’ve ever read. You didn’t speak on Neanderthal factor. You spoke of kingdoms, which obvi came AFTER civilization. Moors were indeed black Africans, you must’ve never seen ancient Berbers. I hope you are not pursuing any sort of career in this field. You are no different in your bias as the YouTuber, which is noted in your first comment reply. Lack of factual evidence, pure emotional responses.


    • Whatdo Wedo says:

      “This is the dumbest rebuttal I’ve ever read. You didn’t speak on Neanderthal factor.”

      You must not have read the article all that well, he very plainly did talk about that factor.

      “As you can see, this is another ridiculous and easily debunked claim. One only needs to do a bit of non-biased reading into something to get the truth, which some people are not capable of.

      What he says next, I don’t really have a problem with. He just shows articles stating that Neanderthals had big brains to control their bodies and that they had a larger, elongated visual cortex. However, there is archeological evidence that our cognitive superiority over Neanderthals is a myth (Villa and Roebroeks, 2014). What he shows in this section is the truest thing he’ll say, though.”

      “You spoke of kingdoms, which obvi came AFTER civilization. Moors were indeed black Africans, you must’ve never seen ancient Berbers.”

      Nope, the Berbers have been Arab like since ancient times(Though I don’t think they where White the Egyptians portrayed the inhabitants of the lands to their west where the Berbers come from as being lighter skinned then themselves.) And we are talking out about the medieval period here not ancient history.

      “You are no different in your bias as the YouTuber, which is noted in your first comment reply. Lack of factual evidence, pure emotional responses.”

      Why are you talking about yourself?


  24. UnmarkedMalcome says:

    I just find it funny, how white people spent so many years degrading people of color. highlighting what makes us different. How their skin makes them more superior, and now these same folks break their necks and brains trying to prove our similarities….I have one question. What tricks are you white people trying to pull now? Lord knows we can’t trust you MF’s.


  25. Oral Powell says:

    White people live longer? Please! If I were not for your pills your lifespan would be still that of long time ago. About 40 years.


  26. SOC says:

    Then he shows how African immigrants to America have a higher educational achievement than whites and immigrant East Asians. However, it’s clear he’s not heard of super-selection. The people with the means to leave will, and, most likely, those with the means are the more intelligent ones in the group. We also can’t forget about ‘preferential treatment’, AKA Affirmative Action.

    Yes, but why they’re also better than Asians immigrants, Europeans immigrant, middle-east immigrant? I think super-selection affect them too(but this is true that they aren’t in the same environment and culture as Nigerians, which probably make a role).
    There isn’t AA in UK, how do you explain that the results still the same? Also, AA is for African-American as far as I can tell, not West African immigrant?

    The rest of the article is correct.


    • Phil78 says:

      “Also, AA is for African-American as far as I can tell, not West African immigrant?”

      It’s for any major ethnic group/Sex usually underrepresented within certain work spaces, they wouldn’t distinguish African immigrants from slave descendants.


  27. @RaceRealist, most theories and arguments can be debunked just as your theories related to Whites and Blacks and please excuse my Lack of approximation. Nonetheless, dominant cultures reigned supreme on not-so dominant cultures throughout history and they all varied in skin Töne. OF COURSE naturally, the culture that dominates with wealth, resources, and LAND would manipulate history, science, and Language to continue oppression on the not-so dominant Culture. It’s a methodology to social engineering. But, HERE’S some research you can explore, “LUCY”, Ethiopian (born with high pigmentation) femur bone was discovered BY Dr. Louise & Mary Leakey. The oldest and FIRST human on EARTH. OF course, These paleontologists and many other researchers discovered many other human remains in South Saharan Region of Africa and NO WHERE else in the world. So, racerealist you can have your Argument of Intelligence or dominante or any other insecure or pointless claim you boastfully powder. Just as the neglected Child who becomes bitter and isolated and angry, MOTHER “LUCY”, THE BLACK, PIGMENTED SKIN, KINKY HAIR 1ST HUMAN ON EARTH SAYS SHE’S “SORRY” and you do not have to fight your Brothers and sisters😊…and quit that pouting.


  28. parvalueblog says:

    This is bullshit! First how is this debunking. like all white lies there is no real resources behind this claim. Just a book from a man who does t have education in that field. You know the typical white know it all. You look just like that damn monkey and white scientists said it first. not us. The moors were black and were named for being black and called moors. Which also means they sailed hence mooring hence we were in america first. You ga e you a place on America when no other empire would except you. But yoi wanted freedo so we obliged. Like every other relationship like with the indians. you broke pur tresties and stole our land..Read real history. You might learn something.


    • Destroyeroflies says:

      “This is bullshit! First how is this debunking. like all white lies there is no real resources behind this claim.”

      Ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black.

      “Just a book from a man who does t have education in that field.”

      What is this pot’s obsession with calling the kettle black.?

      “you look just like that damn monkey and white scientists said it first. not us.”

      Can you support this claim or is it just another one of your lies?

      “The moors were black and were named for being black and called moors.”

      They consisted primarily of Arab like Berbers, these are contemporary first hand depictions of the Moors by the Spaniards from the a thirteenth century book.

      Here is an illustration from a surviving Moorish book “Tale of Bayad and Riyad”.

      And this is what is said in contemporary accounts of the region by a Moor, as the writer and traveling merchant al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi (More commonly known as Leo Africanus.) who said that the Northern regions which today comprise countries like Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and Libya where primarily inhabited by Arab like Berbers or as he calls them in the text Tawny Moors.

      “Which also means they sailed hence mooring”

      Do you even know what that word means you liar?

      “place where a vessel can be moored,” early 15c., “process of making a ship secure,”

      It doesn’t have much to do with sailing across open seas it’s just a word to describe docking a boat. Also it comes from earlier Germanic words and has nothing to do with Moors the people.

      “Which also means they sailed hence mooring hence we were in america first.”

      Yeah no that is just another one of your lies.

      “You ga e you a place on America when no other empire would except you. But yoi wanted freedo so we obliged.”

      Can you at least put your lies in a comprehensible format so I can clearly rebuke them?

      “Like every other relationship like with the indians. you broke pur tresties and stole our land..”

      Oh common do you really think everyone else is as stupid as you?! No one is going to buy that lie for a single second!

      “Read real history. You might learn something.”

      I do read real history and I do learn things from it, you are the one who needs to read actual history and learn something true.


  29. Pretty says:



  30. LOADED says:

    Hey MeLo I scored an 88 again! I believe Ravens is a language acquisition test.


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