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Neurons By Race

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With all of my recent articles on neurons and brain size, I’m now asking the following question: do neurons differ by race? The races of man differ on most all other variables, why not this one?

As we would have it, there are racial differences in total brain neurons.In 1970, an anti-hereditarian (Tobias) estimated the number of “excess neurons” available to different populations for processing bodily information, which Rushton (1988; 1997: 114) averaged to find: 8,550 for blacks, 8,660 for whites and 8,900 for Asians (in millions of excess neurons). A difference of 100-200 million neurons would be enough to explain away racial differences in achievement, for one. Two, these differences could also explain differences in intelligence. Rushton (1997: 133) writes:

This means that on this estimate, Mongoloids, who average 1,364 cm3 have 13.767 billion cortical neurons (13.767 x 109 ). Caucasoids who average 1,347 cm3 have 13.665 billion such neurons, 102 million less than Mongoloids. Negroids who average 1,267 cm3 , have 13.185 billion cerebral neurons, 582 million less than Mongoloids and 480 million less than Caucasoids.

Of course, Rushton’s citation of Jerison, I will leave alone now that we know that encephilazation quotient has problems. Rushton (1997: 133) writes:

The half-billion neuron difference between Mongoloids and Negroids are probably all “excess neurons” because, as mentioned, Mongoloids are often shorter in height and lighter in weight than Negroids. The Mongoloid-Negroid difference in brain size across so many estimation procedures is striking

Of course, small differences in brain size would translate to differences differences neuronal count (in the hundreds of millions), which would then affect intelligence.

Moreover, since whites have a greater volume in their prefrontal cortex (Vint, 1934). Using Herculano-Houzel’s favorite definition for intelligence, from MIT physicist Alex Wissner-Gross:

The ability to plan for the future, a significant function of prefrontal regions of the cortex, may be key indeed. According to the best definition I have come across so far, put forward by MIT physicist Alex Wissner-Gross, intelligence is the ability to make decisions that maximize future freedom of action—that is, decisions that keep most doors open for the future. (Herculano-Houzel, 2016: 122-123)

You can see the difference in behavior and action in the races; how one race has the ability to make decisions to maximize future ability of action—and those peoples with a smaller prefrontal cortex won’t have this ability (or it will be greatly hampered due to its small size and amount of neurons it has).

With a smaller, less developed frontal lobe and less overall neurons in it than a brain belonging to a European or Asian, this may then account for overall racial differences in intelligence. The few hundred million difference in neurons may be the missing piece to the puzzle here.Neurons transmit information to other nerves and muscle cells. Neurons have cell bodies, axons and dendrites. The more neurons (that’s also packed into a smaller brain, neuron packing density) in the brain, the better connectivity you have between different areas of the brain, allowing for fast reaction times (Asians beat whites who beat blacks, Rushton and Jensen, 2005: 240).

Remember how I said that the brain uses a certain amount of watts; well I’d assume that the different races would use differing amount of power for their brain due to differing number of neurons in them. Their brain is not as metabolically expensive. Larger brains are more intelligent than smaller brains ONLY BECAUSE there is a higher chance for there to be more neurons in the larger brain than the smaller one. With the average cranial capacity (blacks: 1267 cc, 13,185 million neurons; whites: 1347 cc, 13,665 million neurons, and Asians: 1,364, 13,767 million neurons). (Rushton and Jensen, 2005: 265, table 3) So as you can see, these differences are enough to account for racial differences in achievement.

A bigger brain would mean, more likely, more neurons which would then be able to power the brain and the body more efficiently. The more neurons one has, the more likely it it that they are intelligent as they have more neuronal pathways. The average cranial capcities of the races show that there are neuronal differences between them, which these neuronal differences then are the cause for racial differences, with the brain size itself being only a proxy, not an actual indicator of intelligence. The brain size doesn’t matter as much as the amount of neurons in the brain.

A difference in the brain of 100 grams is enough to account for 550 million cortical neurons (!!) (Jensen, 1998b: 438). But that ignores sex differences and neuronal density. However, I’d assume that there will be at least small differences in neuron count, especially from Rushton’s data from Race, Evolution and Behavior. Jensen (1998) also writes on page 439:

I have not found any investigation of racial differences in neuron density that, as in the case of sex differences, would offset the racial difference in brain weight or volume.

So neuronal density by brain weight is a great proxy.

Racial differences in intelligence don’t come down to brain size; they come down to total neuron amount in the brain; differences in size in certain parts of the brain critical to intelligence and amount of neurons in those critical portions of the brain. I’ve yet to come across a source talking about the different number of neurons in the brain by race, but when I do I will update this article. From what we know, we can make the assumption that blacks have less packing density as well as a smaller number of neurons in their PFC and cerebral cortex. Psychopathy is associated with abnormalities in the PFC; maybe, along with less intelligence, blacks would be more likely to be psychopathic? This also echoes what Richard Lynn says about Race and Psychopathic Personality:

There is a difference between blacks and whites—analogous to the difference in intelligence—in psychopathic personality considered as a personality trait. Both psychopathic personality and intelligence are bell curves with different means and distributions among blacks and whites. For intelligence, the mean and distribution are both lower among blacks. For psychopathic personality, the mean and distribution are higher among blacks. The effect of this is that there are more black psychopaths and more psychopathic behavior among blacks.

Neuronal differences and size of the PFC more than account for differences in psychopathy rates as well as differences in intelligence and scholastic achievement. This could, in part, explain the black-white IQ gap. Since the total number of neurons in the brain dictates, theoretically speaking, how well an organism can process information, and blacks have a smaller PFC (related to future time preference); and since blacks have less cortical neurons than Whites or Asians, this is one large reason why black are less intelligent, on average, than the other races of Man. 


  1. iffen says:

    It’s never been about skin color, it’s always been the color of the brain.


    • RaceRealist says:

      All brains are the same color“, according to Richard Nisbett. (Rebuttal here.)


    • iffen says:

      I remember reading an article a few months ago that discussed morphological differences between black and white brains. I didn’t bookmark it because I am not all that invested in proving that the brains are different. If I find it again, I will send it to you.


    • RaceRealist says:

      You can see race by MRI scans too. I can’t find the article at the moment though. Morphological and structural differences in the brains of differenct races are interesting. It explains a lot in terms of racial differences.


    • Chinedu says:

      You can see race by MRI scans too.

      Long debunked.


    • iffen says:

      If, indeed, the brains turn out to be quite different, that could explain a lot in the way of the IQ differences. There are more than one way to solve these problems as shown by altitude tolerance, lactose tolerance, and malarial resistance. (Those are just the ones that I know about.) The “black” brain could have solved the “problem” of intelligence in a manner different from the “white” brain. It seems that thousands, and the experts seem to be saying tens of thousands, of alleles are involved. The black brain could be like hand dealt from a deck of playing cards while the white brain could be like a hand dealt from a different deck, say like Old Maids. Either way you have a hand that you can play the game with and there is variation within each hand and within each deck.


    • Deleteracefromdictionary says:

      This article is titled, and mentions evolution in it, but it doesn’t discuss the worldly impacts made on all the races PFC & cerebral cortex. Every race as a majority has been nurtured differently. One race’s lack of access to vast sums of knowledge for 200 years, and even possibly longer would result in less mental development. This research is an attempt to brag. Very disappointing, I’ve read another study before where it was found that blacks had more neurons than all races, and it was likely the reason they are usually aggressive. I’ll have to find that study. Anyone reading this crap, keep on reading. Findings on studies like this are obviously not in agreement on this matter, and incomplete.


    • Phil78 says:

      “This article is titled, and mentions evolution in it, but it doesn’t discuss the worldly impacts made on all the races PFC & cerebral cortex. Every race as a majority has been nurtured differently. One race’s lack of access to vast sums of knowledge for 200 years, and even possibly longer would result in less mental development.”

      In the timespan where blacks wouldn’t have access to the standard of education as others, what you are describing is incredibly short.

      Plus this article was meant to look at the measured differences in Neurons, not speculate on their causes.

      “This research is an attempt to brag. Very disappointing,”

      Care to Elaborate?

      ” I’ve read another study before where it was found that blacks had more neurons than all races, and it was likely the reason they are usually aggressive. I’ll have to find that study. Anyone reading this crap, keep on reading. Findings on studies like this are obviously not in agreement on this matter, and incomplete.”

      Despite your name implying that race shouldn’t matter and you complaining about this article “bragging”, that doesn’t seem to from accepting a biological explanation of blacks being aggressive.

      And seeing how you don’t have the study to confirm what you say on neurons, it’s not obvious that their is a lack of consensus .


    • RaceRealist says:

      Phil, I believe this is what that person is talking about. I’ll take a look at these claims this week.

      Race and Brain Size: Blacks Have Bigger Brains .


    • Phil78 says:

      To RR,

      Based on what I could find, that Weizmann study doesn’t seem to exist in the article’s reference list.


    • Hugh Gregory says:

      Actually the Asian & White is bigger to accommodate the bigger eyeballs & the resulting bigger visual cortices in Whites & Asians. Brian size can be estimated by looking at the latitude a group of people live at. In other words a North Englishmen’s brain is
      bigger than a Souther Englishmen’s.

      Scandinavians have the biggest brains followed by Inuit Eskimos

      Also you wrote that Whites have a larger Prefrontal Cortex which is false. Blacks have larger prefrontal orbital cortices
      “In models examining specific brain regions, the only statistically significant difference was that African-Americans exhibited larger left OFC volumes than Caucasians. However, when regional ratios were examined (regional volume/total cerebral volume), the African-American cohort exhibited greater ratios for the right amygdala and bilaterally for the OFC (Table 2).”
      You sited a study on Kenyans from 1934 & arrived at the conclusion Whites have larger Orbital Fr9ntal Cortices? That’s just bad research & bad science.
      Rushton’s research is old & he entered it with biased & predetermined mindset which you seem to have demonstrated here. I mean the research behind the evolution of brain size & eyeball size & how it correlates with latitude & light refraction is older than your blog here. Also the research on orbital cortices I posted a link to is older than your blog as well but some how you’ve found a dubious study on Kenyans from 1934? You do realize they didn’t have MRI’s back then? You do realize racism was rampant in science back then….more so than today? I won’t address the other conclusions you’ve arrived at be making scientifically invalid leaps. Race Realist seek to blame the condition of Black peoples on biology with mere correlation & assumption when the hard evidence of historic & systemic racism,discrimination & disenfranchisement stand as glaring truths. In order to entertain your belief system you must deny or minimize this things. Your blog is more a study in cognitive dissonance than scientific facts about causations of IQ disparity.


  2. Chinedu says:

    Now link to a real scientist that supports any of this garbage.


    • RaceRealist says:

      Races differ in cranial capacity. Therefore they differ in amount of neurons. Rushton showed that on average, blacks have less cortical neurons than whites who have less than East Asians. Intelligence differences follow. That’s part of the reason for intelligence differences. I’m not saying it’s the whole thing.


    • Waygen says:

      How about you list all the Blacks with Nobel Prizes in the actual sciences. Or all the Black majority lands that aren’t laughable in little listings like GDP per capita, crime levels…


    • Chinedu says:

      The Nobel is a European award. Tell me, how many whites would win an Ancient Egyptian centered Nobel during the time of Ancient Egypt?

      How many whites would win a Muslim or Chinese centered Nobel during the Middle Ages?

      The answer to both questions is ZERO.

      GDP per capita? Despite being decimated by colonialism many black African countries lead multiple Eastern European countries in GDP per capita and other quality of life indices. Moreover, many black African countries are safer than the United States.


    • Waygen says:

      The Nobel is a European award. Tell me, how many whites would win an Ancient Egyptian centered Nobel during the time of Ancient Egypt

      Science is a White Man Conspiracy.

      GDP per capita? Despite being decimated by colonialism many black African countries lead multiple Eastern European countries in GDP per capita and other quality of life indices. Moreover, many black African countries are safer than the United States.

      Not a single Black majority land is even close to the top in the first front. The United States is well below the bulk of Black majority lands in violent crime. Your Colonialism talk outs you as a Third Worldist.


    • Chinedu says:

      Science is a White Man Conspiracy

      The white man was scientifically illiterate for the vast majority of human history. Up until a few years ago the white man’s “science” consisted mainly of witchcraft and hocus pocus.

      Not a single Black majority land is even close to the top in the first front.

      Wrong. Bermuda is #4 on the UN list.

      The United States is well below the bulk of Black majority lands in violent crime.

      The United States ranks 103 on the Global Peace Index, well below several African countries.


    • Chinedu says:

      *Up until a few hundred years ago the white man’s “science” consisted mainly of witchcraft and hocus pocus


    • antiwhitedestroyer says:


      Blacks dont have awards or achievement’s, the ancient Chinese books, AMericas teachings, new zealands teachings the aryans of India Iran, the tarim basin china, EGypt WERE ALL WHITE CIVILISATION! Nice try with your low iq none white fairy tales…..

      Rushton IS a real scientist. Everything he says has now been proven by the japanese too!

      PS WHat awards do blacks do HAHAHAH most crime? Most false claims of racism that NEVER existed.

      Seriously, you have never had it bad, youre being lied too! Youre being judged for being absolutely STUPID, VIOLENT, IGNORANT, CRIMINAL and FULL OF SADISTIC HATE….

      Whites created EVERY KNOWN CIVILISATION… Maths, science, astrology, agriculture, EVERYTHING… while you invented a piecve of grass to cover your cock with while running after or away from another negro trying to eat you!

      Begone low iq racist hate filled violent anti white jealous little negro, We created EVERYTHING you created nothing but destruction everywhere you GO Then blame others for your races inbuilt GENETIC failures!

      If only ANCIENT caucasians never went into africa and bred with even lower iq blacks (your ancestors) You would be even thicker and more vioelnt! …….

      SLavery to the americas was the best opportunity blacks have ever had, they gained ever since, real privilege… you could be eating your family member right now and think its normal! !



  3. “neanderthal IQ” is a meaningless concept fucktard.

    your IQ << 100 is meaningful.


    • RaceRealist says:

      Not really. They were human-like. They had similar morphology and the like. So just possible they could have spoken. So if they did speak, then their IQ isn’t meaningless.


    • Chinedu says:

      So your source for these grand proclamations about neurons is a joker like Rushton? Hahaha. Very funny.


    • RaceRealist says:

      Jensen as well. I’ve been saying for the past week that the average cranial capacity dictate average neuron amount. The races slightly differ in cortical neuron count. Therefor, that’s part of the cause for intelligence differences.


    • Chinedu says:

      Jensen is another joker.

      So you’re saying that cranial capacity determines brain size which in turn determines neuron count. So black people with large craniums are smarter than white people with small craniums. Okay, good to know.


  4. Oprah is finally dead! Hurrah! says:

    if neanderthals couldn’t speak they had no IQ.

    IQ is not a thing. it’s a test score.

    peepee is a 13 year old black girl.

    how old are you nigger?


  5. Waygen says:

    So the Northeast Asians win again?


    • RaceRealist says:

      Pretty much. Because they have a slightly higher cranial capacity on average, they have slightly more total neurons and cortical neurons. Though I’m moving away from climate theories of intelligence. I think sexual selection has a much greater effect on intelligence. I’m beginning to believe climate changes the brain size, but African environments are just as hard to survive in as ice age Europe. It’s pretty dumb to say that life in Africa is easy. Though they do have slightly less neurons because they have a smaller cranial capacity due to their environment. Environment affects brain size.


    • Waygen says:

      Maybe you should trigger the White Power crowd.


    • GondwanaMan says:

      Nah. I doubt sexual selection was what increased intelligence in humans. Mates don’t care much about absolute intelligence, except maybe the music and social kind


    • Phil78 says:

      To GM,

      you forget about how intelligence provides resources, which is certainly a desirable trait in mate selection as it is not as simple as selecting for huge sexual organs as PP makes it out to be.

      Social intelligence is “subjective” depending on how you use it as we socialize differently from chimpanzees. Our form of socializing in the past, again different from PP’s simplification of nerds and alphas, would require progressively larger populations being lead and cooperating and would be expected to be selected along side intelligence.

      I recommend this to understand the balancing of different personality traits to get the idea of the “preferred” mate type.


  6. iffen says:

    You are screwing up your comment section by publishing all these retards.


  7. […] Neurons By Race (Not Politically Correct) […]


  8. ricarddoblog says:

    Since you spoke of psychopathy, it can be accompanied by psychosis (schizophrenia) in some cases?

    Richard Chase and Charles Manson are good examples


  9. HughCipher says:

    I 1st want to apologize for the confusion with my post. I was wondering why I couldn’t comment using my WordPress account. The way I posted earlier wont allow me to follow your blog for some reason so I’ve reposted using my WordPress account.

    Id also would want to ask you what do you feel about IQ being more a measure of modernity or exposure to modernity than the measure of ones innate intellect? People from rural areas score consistently lower on IQ test than people from urban areas?

    This is across race and sex. Only when wealth is of an equivalent level do these gaps diminish.

    Exposure to modernity points to the reason people from rural areas score lower than those from Urban areas and even more so why people from industrial societies score higher than those from agricultural, Nomadic, Tribal and hunter gatherer societies.

    It would explain why the more modern, Egyptian, Babylonian, Roman and Greeks built amazing civilizations while the ancestors of todays top dogs-North Western Europeans wallowed in ignorance when today they score higher on IQ test than the peoples who they derived their civilization from.

    well any way as to my pervious post

    Actually the Asian & White brain is bigger in order to accommodate the bigger eyeballs & the resulting bigger visual cortices in Whites & Asians. Brian size can be estimated by looking at the latitude a group of people live at.
    In other words a North Englishmen’s brain is
    bigger than a Southern Englishmen’s and so on towards the equator.

    Scandinavians have the biggest brains followed by Inuit Eskimos

    Also you wrote that Whites have a larger Prefrontal Cortex which is false. Blacks have larger prefrontal orbital cortices
    “In models examining specific brain regions, the only statistically significant difference was that African-Americans exhibited larger left OFC volumes than Caucasians. However, when regional ratios were examined (regional volume/total cerebral volume), the African-American cohort exhibited greater ratios for the right amygdala and bilaterally for the OFC (Table 2).”
    You sited a study on Kenyans from 1934 & arrived at the conclusion Whites have larger Orbital Fr9ntal Cortices? That’s just bad research & bad science.
    Rushton’s research is old & he entered it with biased & predetermined mindset which you seem to have demonstrated here. I mean the research behind the evolution of brain size & eyeball size & how it correlates with latitude & light refraction is older than your blog here. Also the research on orbital cortices I posted a link to is older than your blog as well but some how you’ve found a dubious study on Kenyans from 1934? You do realize they didn’t have MRI’s back then? You do realize racism was rampant in science back then….more so than today? I won’t address the other conclusions you’ve arrived at be making scientifically invalid leaps. Race Realist seek to blame the condition of Black peoples on biology with mere correlation & assumption when the hard evidence of historic & systemic racism, discrimination & disenfranchisement stand as glaring truths. In order to entertain your belief system you must deny or minimize this things. Your blog is more a study in cognitive dissonance than scientific facts about causations of IQ disparity.


  10. Jay says:

    Not only the neurons. I think the areas of the brain themselves may function differently. And then there is hormonal differences. As well as excess neurons.


  11. selene volmer says:

    Heiarchy is determined by intelligence . Please !


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