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Racial Differences in Muscle Fiber Typing Cause Differences in Elite Sporting Competition

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Blacks are, on average, better at sports than whites. Why? The answer is very simple: muscle fiber typing. Most individuals have an even proportion of muscle fibers, skewing about 5 to 10 percent less on type II fibers. However, when it comes to elite competition, race—and along with it muscle fiber typing—come into play more. Who is stronger? Why? Who is faster? Why? Who is better at endurance running? Why? The answers to these questions lie in muscle fiber typing, somatype, and, of course, grit and determination. Today I will provide yet more evidence for my argument that whites are stronger than blacks.

Muscle fiber typing by race

I’ll be quick here since I’ve covered this extensively.

Blacks have more type II muscle fibers in comparison to whites who have more type I muscle fibers. This difference in fiber typing causes differences in aerobic capacity which lead to higher rates of cardiorespiratory diseases such as type II diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

There are two types of muscle fibers with two divisions: Type I and Type II with the divisions being in the slow twitch fiber, further broken down into Type IIa and Type II x. Type I fibers fire slowly and possess greater aerobic metabolic capacity due to higher levels of lipid, myoglobin, mitochondrial and capillary content. Type II fibers, on the other hand, fire faster, have reduced aerobic capacity (and all that comes with it) and are better equipped for anaerobic activity (explosive sports). Type IIa possesses more aerobic potential than IIx, but less anaerobic potential than type I fibers. Some evidence exists showing that it’s possible to train type II fibers to have a similar aerobic capacity to type I, but I don’t really buy that. It is possible to make aerobic capacity similar to the aerobic capacity that type I fibers have, but type II will not be fully like them.

Blacks have more type II fibers while whites have more type I fibers. Type II fibers predispose people to a myriad of cardiometabolic diseases which are also associated with grip strength.

Differences in fiber typing in elite athletes

Now comes the fun part. How do muscle fibers differ between elite athletes? A few studies have been done but, as expected in physiology studies, they have a low n, but they still do show physiologic differences when compared to the control subjects, physiologic differences that were predicted due to what we know about muscle fiber typing.

Type IIa fibers possess more aerobic potential than IIx, therefore, power lifters have a higher proportion of IIa fibers compared to IIx fibers. It should also be noted that powerlifters have the same amount of type I fibers as the general population (Fry et al, 2003a), so knowing this fact, since blacks have a lower proportion of type I muscle fibers as noted in Caeser and Hunter (2015), this explains why there are very few black power lifters: they have the opposite type II fiber type while having less type I fiber.

Furthermore, Olympic lifters also use a higher percentage of type IIa fibers (Fry et al, 2003b). This also explains the lower amount of blacks in weight lifting as well. Fiber types don’t explain everything, but at elite levels, they do mean a lot and looking at the racial variation explains racial differences in elite sporting competition.

Explaining racial differences in sprinting competitions is easy as well. Type IIx fibers combined with the ACTN3 gene=elite human performance (Mills et al, 2001). The gene ACTN3 was discovered to explain explosive power, and it just so happened to vary by race. William Saletan writes:

the relative frequency of the X allele is 0.52 in Asians, 0.42 in whites, 0.27 in African-Americans, and 0.16 in Africans. If you break out the data further, the frequency of the XX genotype is 0.25 in Asians, 0.20 in European whites, 0.13 in African-Americans, and 0.01 in African Bantu. Conversely, the frequency of RR (the genotype for speed and power) is 0.25 in Asians, 0.36 in European whites, 0.60 in African-Americans, and 0.81 in African Bantu. Among Asians, you can expect to find one RR for every XX. Among whites, you can expect nearly two RRs for every XX. Among African-Americans, you can expect more than four RRs for every XX.

This allele is responsible for explosive power. Explosive power is needed to excel in events such as sprinting, football, basketball and other sports where power is needed in short bursts. However, where blacks have an advantage in explosive power sports, the advantage is lost once events like swimming, power lifting (described above), Olympic lifting (differing fiber type) etc.


Racial differences in elite sporting competition come down to a lot of genetic factors, largely influenced by hormones, genes, and muscle fiber typing. Population variation between known fiber typings/hormones/genes that affect certain types of athletic performance explains a lot of the variation within, and especially between populations. Due to anatomical differences, blacks excel at some sports and suffer at others. The same also holds for whites; there is considerable variation in somatype, some somatypes are better for strongman/powerlifting competitions than others. These differences affect the outcomes of elite sporting competition as well.

Blacks have a higher amount of type II fibers, which accounts for a lot of their disease acquisition (Caesar et al, 2015). Due to this physiologic difference, this is why blacks excel at some sports, and not others.

Once again: Blacks are not stronger than whites.

(Note: Click here for discussion on Kenyan distance running.)


Ceaser, T., & Hunter, G. (2015). Black and White Race Differences in Aerobic Capacity, Muscle Fiber Type, and Their Influence on Metabolic Processes. Sports Medicine,45(5), 615-623. doi:10.1007/s40279-015-0318-7

Fry, A. C., Webber, J. M., Weiss, L. W., Harber, M. P., Vaczi, M., & Pattison, N. A. (2003). Muscle Fiber Characteristics of Competitive Power Lifters. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,17(2), 402. doi:10.1519/1533-4287(2003)017<0402:mfcocp>;2

Fry, A. C., Schilling, B. K., Staron, R. S., Hagerman, F. C., Hikida, R. S., & Thrush, J. T. (2003). Muscle Fiber Characteristics and Performance Correlates of Male Olympic-Style Weightlifters. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,17(4), 746-754. doi:10.1519/00124278-200311000-00020

Mills, M., Yang, N., Weinberger, R., Vander Woude, D., Beggs, A., Easteal, S., & North, K. (2001). Differential expression of the actin-binding proteins, alpha-actinin-2 and -3, in different species: implications for the evolution of functional redundancy. Human Molecular Genetics,10(13), 1335-1346. doi:10.1093/hmg/10.13.1335


  1. You are a racist says:

    You know you use fast twitch muscle fibres for weight lifting?


  2. You are a racist says:

    Sorry i took so long to reply, it’s just i have a life.
    Right in the first paragraph olympic weighlifters have more fast twitch muscle fibres
    And why do you keep saying blacks have more fast twitch muscle fibres you do realise it’s only the ones of west african descent that do?


    • RaceRealist says:

      Right in the first paragraph olympic weighlifters have more fast twitch muscle fibres

      I am aware. Now you need to read my citation of Fry et al (2003a) to see how powerlifters have more type I fibers and how Olympic lifters do as well (Fry et al, 2003b).

      Fiber typing doesn’t tell the whole story, however. Differences in body fat, somatype and grip strength all play a part; whites having more body fat, an endomorphic somatype and higher grip strength than blacks. Furthermore, muscular strength predicts mortality (Fitzgerald et al, 2004; Ruiz et al, 2008; Artero, 2011). So, what does this tell you? Please, read carefully, educate yourself on the subject of the article, then come back and comment when you have an understanding of what I write about. Thank you.

      And why do you keep saying blacks have more fast twitch muscle fibres you do realise it’s only the ones of west african descent that do?

      Yes, and when I say ‘blacks’ I means American blacks; if I am talking about other African ethnies then they will be referred to as such.

      Please educate yourself before commenting again. Thank you.


  3. Chinedu says:

    Complete bunk. Why don’t 100% black Africans excel at these sports? They compete also. Even the West Africans don’t excel. Shouldn’t they have these alleged twitch muscles and muscle fiber typing and all this other claptrap in greater abundance? Can you name the last African 100m sprints winner? Most of them don’t even make it past trials. Can you name any great African basketball teams or players.

    Listen, give up the ridiculous and absurd pseudoscience.


    • RaceRealist says:

      Why don’t 100% black Africans excel at these sports? They compete also. Even the West Africans don’t excel. Shouldn’t they have these alleged twitch muscles and muscle fiber typing and all this other claptrap in greater abundance? Can you name the last African 100m sprints winner? Most of them don’t even make it past trials. Can you name any great African basketball teams or players.

      Somatype matters too. There are a lot of factors involved with this.


    • Chinedu says:

      Somatype matters how? And how are West Africans and black Americans differentiated in somatype? Can you post pics of West African and black American runners and identify precisely how they differ?

      As I told you in the past, your pseudoscience is comical.


    • RaceRealist says:

      Somatype matters how?

      Did you read what was written? How would different levers and body fat percentage not matter? Africans are more likely to be mesomorphic (taller, slimmer, lankier bodies dissipate heat more, which is why they have narrow hips) whereas Eurasians have wider hips to conserve body heat. Wider hips means they have more capacity for power than those with narrower hips.

      Neanderthals were stronger than Homo sapiens. Neanderthals had wider hips along with the same chest cavity, larger thorax (due to more protein consumption) and they were also shorter which means they had a lower center of gravity. Being that Homo sapiens came from Africa, we were like modern-day Africans today—adapted for the EEA. So imagine that instead, Eurasians were Neanderthals and Africans were Homo sapiens in my example. Do you get it now?

      Shouldn’t they have these alleged twitch muscles and muscle fiber typing and all this other claptrap in greater abundance?

      Again, somatype matters as well. They do have a higher percentage of fast twitch compared to whites, but if you look at powerlifters/Olympic lifters, they h ave a greater abundance of slow twitch too—which proves my point. So along with levers, fiber type, and somatype, this is why Eurasians are stronger.

      Can you name the last African 100m sprints winner?

      The ones who dominate are of West African descent in the 100 m and Kenyans dominate the long distance races. This is due to somatype, Vo2 max, oxygen uptake, morphology, training (of course) and a drive to succeed. Why do you underestimate the critical factor of genetics and morphology when it comes to race and running ability?

      Can you name any great African basketball teams or players.

      You don’t understand that it’s the specific morphology and other traits which cause African-descended people to dominate these sports. Please learn a thing or two about morphology before you comment again. Thanks.


  4. Chinedu says:

    Yeah, I have no doubt that you’re able to write incoherent pseudoscientific screeds to try to plug the innumerable holes in your beliefs whenever you’re called out.

    You are literally refusing to acknowledge what is happening in the real world. You are literally refusing to acknowledge that your theories are dead wrong given what is observable in actual reality. You’re exhibiting a classic case of a cult-induced psychosis. Symptoms include a total disregard of facts, reason, commonsense and even reality. Race realism is a cult and you are a member of that cult.


    • RaceRealist says:

      No. I’ve literally spelled it out for you. 1) different races have different somatype and different fiber typing on average. Therefore it logically follows that 2) different races would fare differently than other races.

      Physical differences are what we can immediately see, do you deny that too?


    • Racialist says:

      you are an actual hack


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