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Islam, Suicide Bombings, IQ and Consanguinity

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A lot of people seem to confuse causes between ‘Islam’ and behavior that’s just ‘low IQ’. Whenever these attacks like shootings, sexual assaults and rapes happen, that’s due to their low IQ; not religion. I wrote about this in IQ, Inbreeding and Clannishness. All of the behavior you see is due to low IQ. 1) being in an area with a hot climate and 2) cousin marriage has been going on there ever since Jews from the Levant introduced it to them around 200 BC. To quote myself:

Those innate behaviors which result in the favoring in all areas of life, themselves and their family, is a result of genetic similarity because of the closely related genes they share (the father’s brother’s daughter type is the most common in the Muslim world). Also, first and second cousin marriages are more common, which also result in increased altruism for their own family because of the close genetic similarity, but also those in their own group, which is mediated by the brain hormone oxytocin.

In a paper on the mean IQ of Muslims and non-Muslim countries, Donald Templer states that the Muslim world, which used to be have great intellectual achievements from the 7th to 12th centuries, has seen an underrepresentation in highly creative contributions in science journals. This is because of the inbreeding effect (2.5 to 10 point drop in IQ) of close cousin marriage. He ends up saying that genetic factors are more important than social/cultural/religious values (back to the inbreeding, causing defects and lowering IQ) in regards to IQ.

I also put a map of individualism and collectivism in Europe here. You can see that the collectivist countries are fighting back more. The countries/regions where it’s more red roughly matches up to the situation. You can see how in Central, Northern and Northwestern Europe they’re more individualistic, as well as more atheist, than those collectivist countries. So that leads to what we see with this ‘welcome refugees’ signs, as well as, I would assume, more oxytocin in the brain for Europeans, which leads to more altruism towards other peoples. Of course, 1000 years ago, the high altruism was fine due to being a mostly homogeneous society. But when others move in who are not from the area, and who do not have the same biology as you due to certain selection pressures, that’s when the ‘clash of cultures’ commences. Which it’s not really a clash of culture, more like a clash of biology, because 2 groups who shouldn’t live together are being forced to live together.

This also brings me to people who confuse the causality between Islam and blacks. As I said, it’s a low IQ religion (which I have provided enough evidence for my case). So blacks who become Muslim do so because of low IQ. Anything after that doesn’t mean that being a Muslim had them do it. Lets say that Islam never popped up and the same peoples were still there, continuing such close inbreeding, would that be Islam doing it? No. It’s their biology. **

Using environmental factors (Islam, culture) is what leftists do. In my post on behavior not equaling genes plus environment, I showed how people create their own environments based on their own genetics. The environment we put ourselves in is based on our genetics. We can clearly see that Islam is bringing their culture (genetics) to Europe and are incompatible with Europe as well as all Western societies around the world. Due to this, we can see that wherever any population goes, it will be the same from the original place they emigrated from if migration in large enough numbers occurs. A country is only as good as its majority population.

In Non-Western People are Abnormal to Our SocietiesI showed how due to differing cultures (genetics), these third-world immigrants coming into our countries cannot readily assimilate due to differing average IQs and other hormones that lead to crime differentials with the native population. Though Arabs are Caucasian, evolving closer to the equator lead to higher levels of testosterone as more exposure to the sun increases vitamin D levels, which is not a vitamin but actually a steroid hormone. These differences in testosterone then lead to more sex attacks with high testosterone combined with low IQ. Lower IQ people are less likely to be virgins than higher IQ people. This shows that higher IQ people have less testosterone and can also hold back urges more than lower IQ people. This then translates over to an increase of sexual assaults by ‘migrants’ to European women. These ‘abnormalities’, though, would be abnormal anywhere. Putting differing cultures (genetics) in a place with a completely different culture will lead to strife due to genetic distance between the two populations.

I wrote in Evolutionary Reasons for Suicide Bombings that Muslims who suicide bomb do so to increase inclusive fitness. The increase in inclusive fitness comes about due to the suicide bomber having no prospects as well as no kids, so he/she is just taking up resources. By committing suicide, they are freeing resources for others who have a better chance to spread their genes. Many suicide bombers come from middle-class backgrounds, which further proves the case for genetic interests being the cause for this. The majority of Al-Qaeda members come from educated, middle-class backgroundsEven for Palestinian suicide bombers, none of them were poor, uneducated, simple minded nor depressed.

The average IQ for a criminal is 85 adult offenders, 92 for juvenile offenders. What’s the average IQ in the Middle East? 81, around 1.3 SD lower than average, and 4 points lower for chronic adult offenders in America. The lower IQ comes from being more inbred, which then manifests itself in the crime rate. The strife in the middle east can also be traced back to IQ and consanguinity rates in those populations. How inbred a population is predicts IQ as well as how much strife occurs in those populations.

Germany has said they will begin IQ testing their ‘migrants’. If it works well (I highly doubt it will, and if it is, it won’t be implemented well) this could curb some attacks that happen. Since IQ differences between populations are one of the biggest causes for crime differentials (lower IQ is also correlated with higher testosterone) between them, screening for and only allowing high IQ ‘migrants’ in would curb some violent crime and sex attacks if implemented on a wide enough scale. IQ differences between populations are one of the biggest reasons for differences between any population you can think of.

For a comparison, we can use Christian Arabs. Christian Arabs are less inbred than Muslim Arabs, which shows in the amount of terror attacks committed by Christian Arabs, which I can’t find any data for. If anyone has found any, leave a comment. hbdchick then says this about consanguinity between Christian Arabs and Muslim Arabs:

so, the rate of cousin-marriage amongst lebanese christians was 16.5% while the rate for muslims approached double that at 29.6%.

christians married cousins more distant than first cousins at a slightly higher rate than they did first cousins: 8.6% (>1C) versus 7.9% (1C). muslims, on the other hand, favored first cousin marriage: 17.3% (1C) versus 12.3% (>1C). this is a similar pattern found elsewhere in the middle east/arab world. in egypt, for instance, copts tend to marry second cousins while muslims tend to marry first cousins (no, i can’t find the reference!).

there was also more fbd marriage amongst muslims (6.4%) versus christians (3%).

This is directly mirrored in how often we hear about Christian Arab attacks and crime (I haven’t heard of this), showing that consanguinity rates can predict crime rates. Due to this extreme inbreeding, they are more genetically similar, which leads to higher amounts of altruism for their own group, in turn leading to derogation of the out-group. Europeans are, on average, less inbred than Muslims. This is why it’s said that Muslims are incompatible with our societies. They are more clannish and altruistic for their own. Like JP Rushton said, groups will proliferate ideas that are good for their genetic interests.

Even more evidence can be shown with Chechen inbreeding. I can’t find any data on Chechen IQ, so lets use the closest country to Chechnya, which is Georgia with an average of 94. Since inbreeding can depress IQ 2.5 to 10 points, Chechnya’s average IQ should be somewhere around the mid-80s. This shows similarity with the consanguinity rate. hbdchick then concludes:

it’s no wonder, then, that they still engage in blood feuds (just like the albanians). you’d half expect them to build tower houses for protection during clan disputes like the albanians or the maniots.

oh, wait.

Muslim (Arab) populations are incompatible to Western societies due to how inbred they are. Their own societies are built on their genetics, which they then bring to the West and attempt to bring what they’re running from to their new host country.

In conclusion, whenever people say “it’s Islam doing it”, it’s low IQ behavior. Those with lower IQ are more likely to be drawn to Islam. Islam developed after 1300 years after the start of Arab inbreeding.  We can draw, from IQ from American criminals, that 85 is the sweet spot for criminality, and since criminality is correlated with low IQ more so than any other variable you can think of. A good example of this is a low IQ person coaxed into committing a crime. It’s an obvious biological difference, the sociopolitical garbage is just that, garbage. The biology drives the politics. Consanguinity rates are one of the biggest factors. You should be concerned with the biology aspect.

Note: When I say “Muslim” I mean Arab. I am also not attempting to “apologize” for terror attacks. I’m simply looking at it through the lens of evolutionary psychology. Most people who read this blog know why Africans act the way they act, and African “migrants” are no different.


  1. Chinedu says:

    Yet more stupidity.

    You do realize that trained medical doctors and other well-educated professionals have been Muslim suicide bombers.

    The main reason for suicide bombings is religious fervor and/or a sense of hopelessness. Religious fervor alone will do it. Christian crusaders engaged in what were essentially suicide battles because they fervently believed that if they fell while fighting for Christ, they would be ushered into heaven. Many devout Muslims believe that today. It makes no difference if they’re dumb or smart.

    A sense of hopelessness will also lead to suicide bombings. People who feel that all hope is lost, that whatever awaits them in the afterlife is better than what they’re going through. Maybe their village was bombed and their entire family wiped out. Maybe they can’t get a job or can’t find a wife.

    The last thing you should associate with suicide bombings is IQ. That’s just silly. The culture or circumstances that create suicide bombers comes and goes. There were virtually no Muslim suicide bombers prior to the 1980s.


    • RaceRealist says:

      I see you didn’t read the post and understand it.

      A sense of hopelessness will also lead to suicide bombings. People who feel that all hope is lost, that whatever awaits them in the afterlife is better than what they’re going through. Maybe their village was bombed and their entire family wiped out. Maybe they can’t get a job or can’t find a wife.

      Did you even read this or did you just jump to comment?

      I showed that most Al-Qaeda members come from middle class and well-educated backgrounds while Palestinian suicide bombers weren’t poor, uneducated, simple-minded or depressed. Read what is written before you comment!

      The last thing you should associate with suicide bombings is IQ. That’s just silly. The culture or circumstances that create suicide bombers comes and goes. There were virtually no Muslim suicide bombers prior to the 1980s.

      Ummm…. Islam is a low IQ religion due to high consang rates. Higher consang rates means more chance for attacks of this nature. How many times have you heard of an Arab Christian terror attack? Can you point me to one? Arab Muslims have a consang rate more than twice as high as Christian Arabs. Notice anything?

      There were virtually no suicide bombers before the 80s because before then we weren’t really messing with them in for Israel. The more strife in those countries, the better it is for the Greater Israel plan. We’re just taking a population that’s highly inbred and highly violent. As you can see from the Rushton quote, that attack was motivated by GST. Higher consang rates=higher chance for terror attacks. This is clear as day.

      IQ is only related because Islam is a low IQ religion.


  2. Chinedu says:

    No, dummy, Jihad comes and goes. Look through the history of Islam, don’t take my word for it. We’re just in another period of Jihad, which will at some point peter out before reemerging again at some other point.

    Islam is a low IQ religion? LOL. You can interpret any religion as low IQ. in fact the Islamic holy texts are much more scientifically sound in comparison to the Christian bibles. So Christianity is at least as low-IQ as Islam, if not more so.

    Regarding consang rates, of course you’re pulling your “facts” out of your ass as usual. You have absolutely no evidence to support any of it. In fact, are you suggesting that during periods of relative peace, Arab Muslims stopped marrying their sisters and cousins? It’s actually more likely that Arab Christians are the ones breeding with relatives due to their relatively low numbers.

    Dude, you’re entire ideology is a joke. I think you know it because you can’t be that dumb.


    • RaceRealist says:

      No, dummy, Jihad comes and goes. Look through the history of Islam, don’t take my word for it. We’re just in another period of Jihad, which will at some point peter out before reemerging again at some other point.

      Of course it does. But whether or not it’s suicide bombing or something else, it’s only a means to an end. A mean to achieve a goal. If not for that, something else would be done. What you don’t seem to understand is that, as I’ve provided evidence for, these attacks happen, in part, due to protecting genetically similar others.

      Islam is a low IQ religion? LOL. You can interpret any religion as low IQ. in fact the Islamic holy texts are much more scientifically sound in comparison to the Christian bibles. So Christianity is at least as low-IQ as Islam, if not more so.

      Yes, it is. Close inbreeding=low IQ= more violent=altruism towards similar others=susceptibility to Islam.

      Do you not understand that consanguinity is one of the main causes for this? Reread my article.

      Regarding consang rates, of course you’re pulling your “facts” out of your ass as usual. You have absolutely no evidence to support any of it. In fact, are you suggesting that during periods of relative peace, Arab Muslims stopped marrying their sisters and cousins?

      What am I ‘pulling out of my ass’? Where did I imply that in peace time they don’t marry closely?

      It’s actually more likely that Arab Christians are the ones breeding with relatives due to their relatively low numbers.


      Dude, you’re entire ideology is a joke. I think you know it because you can’t be that dumb.

      Far from it.

      The high consang rates mean they’re more genetically similar. That leads to altruism, self-sacrifice for their own, etc. That causes more strife.

      Do you think inbreeding has no effect on IQ and violence?


  3. Chinedu says:

    You haven’t provided evidence of anything. You never do. Your hopes and dreams don’t constitute evidence. And throwing up a much of meaningless graphs and charts you got from other white supremacist sites doesn’t help your case.

    Fact, other than war zones Islamic countries are very peaceful. They are more peaceful and more crime-free than the United States and other western countries. Any semi-intelligent person will not use war zones to judge the “criminality” of Muslims. Whites have also had war zones. In fact they killed 100 million of themselves in the 20th century alone. Recently the Balkans was a genocidal war zone. Ukraine is currently a war zone.

    If Muslims have a low-IQ how come they immigrate to the United States and quickly supplant whites? Who’s more successful, the average Arab-American or the average white American?

    You see, this is why you’re not a serious writer. You claimed that due to Islam, Muslims were genetically hardwired to be violent. Lacking any historical perspective you failed to understand that up to about the last 30 years, nationalism rather than religion was the key driving force in Arab Muslim identity. Look up PanArabism. It was a secularist, nationalistic movement which the entire Arab world subscribed to until about 30 years ago. So there were no suicide bombings in the 70’s, 60’s, 50’s, 40’s 30’s and beyond. They were Muslims all that time and were marrying their cousins all that, were they not? What that means is that your hairbrained theory is WRONG. Just like every other one of your theories is wrong. You haven’t presented one theory or idea in this entire silly blog of yours that hasn’t been unabashedly wrong.


  4. jimmy says:

    Syrians , Iraqis,Palestinians, north Africans are not ethnic Arabs

    The nationalists in the 50’s were looking for a secular umbrella to group everyone in the region so they chose Arab nationionlism.

    Look up the y-dna figures

    I stayed in the gulf 10 years ago and you couldn’t pay a native to have a drink let alone rape a stranger .

    The drinking and prostitution is rife in the non- Arab places in the region like Syria ,Iraq and north Africa


    • RaceRealist says:

      There are Arabs all over North Africa. Mahgrebian Arabs (Arabs from Northwest Africa) are those who are ethnically Arab, of Arab origin and who speak an Arab dialect.

      Most Syrians are ethnically ethnically Arab.

      There are large amounts of Arabs in Iraq.

      Arabs were a majority in the land before the Jews got their State in 1947.

      Not all of them are Arab who live there, but a large amount are.

      I’ve heard of Arab Muslims drinking and all that good study before so I’m not sure what meaning that really has for them.

      Consang rates are high in all of those countries.


  5. jimmy says:

    Self identification is not the same as genetic reality
    Look up the DNA studies
    Ethnic Arabs are a tiny fraction of any of those countries
    I’m not disagreeing with your article. I’m just correcting a detail


  6. […] Source: Islam, Suicide Bombings, IQ and Consanguinity […]


  7. Skrejsnla says:

    “Whenever these attacks like shootings, sexual assaults and rapes happen, that’s due to their low IQ; not religion.”

    How can you assert this?
    To me it seems obvious that both are a factor. The question would be to what extent.

    You already know and explained how low IQ, inbreeding,… contribute to these acts.

    However, all of these acts can also be (partly) explained by the islamic theology.
    The sexual assaults and rapes with the low position of and respect towards women in islamic societies and the laws that allow husbands to rape their wives (at least according to the western, legal definition of rape).
    Towards western women, this is hugely increased due to islamic ideas of modesty, infidels, sex slaves,…
    The shootings and stabbings are certainly at least partially related to the idea of Jihad and islamic expansion.
    The suicide attacks by the belief of certain paradise.

    To exclude religion completely as an explanation, it would have to go contrary to these acts, or at least sometimes be in favor and sometimes against (such that no clear correlation can be established), however, most of these acts conform with a strict and literal reading of the islamic sources, invalidating the strict exclusion of religion as a factor/explanation.

    Actually, even if the islamic theology wouldn’t call for these acts directly, it would still be partly responsible due to the ommission of cousin marriage as a taboo in the Quran (while listing other relationships that aren’t allowed) as well as the role model character of Mohamed marrying his cousin.


  8. Samia Rasheed says:

    I think the study that is being discussed (…it’s not religion, its DNA, consanguinity….whatever) is a bit premature. What is the source of your data, including definition….my fundamental question would be how is IQ being measured in a foreign population, has that been adjusted to their culture, language and tradition. People who are not like Europeans, are not necessarily stupid. And let’s be honest DNA studies are not yet robust enough to draw any kind of conclusion. I do not see any discussion of other factors like western/global politics (disrupting Palestinians to establish the state of Isreal), continuous bombing of these areas to stone age all in the name of oil, and thus setting of a vicious cycle of violence and hatred for the west)). Seriously they should at least be considered as biases and how have they been controlled in your study to arrive at your conclusion? Could you elaborate? Stating all the suicide bombers are educated and middle class, is actually not enough.(This also contradicts your theory of low IQ,….I am very confused over here) How have you come to that conclusion, because they had means to make it to Europe?
    Also your statement , “Yes, it is. Close inbreeding=low IQ= more violent=altruism towards similar others=susceptibility to Islam”…….You just said inbreeding was in that religion 1300 prior to Islam, that gave rise to kinship, so isn’t following Islam is just a coincidence than a susceptibility?
    I would like to add here, is that what you have blogged here is half baked which is going to give rise to more hatred, unless that is precisely your intention.


  9. MOss Gen says:

    Silly ignorance
    Yeshua was right on with his prophecies.


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