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Germany Begins to (Slightly) Wise Up: Will Begin IQ Testing “Migrants”

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Haaretz reported today that Germany was going to begin IQ testing on the ‘migrants’ to assess where talent and what occupational groups that they could put them in. This is a slightly positive change with all of the negativity this past year.

The mean IQ of Arab countries is 84 (Templer, 2010). With around 1.2 million ‘refugees’ coming from land and sea, assuming a SD of 15 (seeing as Arabs are Caucasian, I’ll assume a SD of 15), 50 percent of them fall at or below 84. So 600k at 84 or below. 16 percent fall at 100. 192k fall at 100. 12k at 120 and 1,680 fall at 130. 50 percent fall below 84. In America the average IQ for a repeat criminal is 85. With an IQ of 85, you can see that criminality begins to increase. This is due to lack of abstract thought(linked to verbal ability), which has them not think of the consequences of their actions before they act. At or below 85 is 1 in 6, 68% of the population is within 1 SD of 100, and 2.5% of people are 130 or more.

I can’t find any data on Arab testosterone at the moment, so I’ll just assume that it’s higher than Europeans due to the Arabs’ closer proximity to the equator (someone correct me if I’m wrong), as that’s why African’s testosterone is high. Due to higher average testosterone combined with low IQ, this leads to increased aggression along with increased sex crime, which is a cause for some of the sex assaults on European women by Muslim men. I can’t find anything on terrorist IQ, the closest I can find is how the FBI convinced a man with an IQ of 51 to attempt terrorist acts, though that’s an extreme case. Since low IQ is correlated highly with lack of abstract thought, it was easier for him to become convinced to do it. Like in most organizations, the more intelligent ones are at the top so they tell the lower IQ ones what to do. Though, by administering these tests, they will greatly lower their chances for another terrorist attack, seeing as those actions are correlated with low IQ.

In a study on prison inmates, IQ predicted inmate misconduct. Using a sample of 2500 inmates over 30 institutions from August 2004 to June 2006, it was found that those inmates who had higher IQs were involved in fewer incidents as well as being less likely to commit violent behavior. Verbal intelligence has been posited to be some of the cause for increased crime, seeing as verbal IQ is correlated with delinquent behavior, which is due to lack of abstract thought being correlated with lower IQ. With higher testosterone being correlated with low IQ and increased androgen sensitivity along with higher sperm counts (both are indicators of higher testosterone) being correlated negatively when measured by speed of neuronal transmission which causes a trade-off between g (general intelligence) and neuronal transmission, this shows that increased testosterone means decreased IQ. This is also seen with how higher IQ people have a lower sex drive.

I did say in my article Non-Western People are Abnormal for Our Society, that, as the title says, non-Western people are abnormal for our society due to not sharing our cultural values, which, we know is genetic. Though, higher IQ individuals will be better able to acclimate into society, as well as have a decreased proclivity to commit crime.

Since there are some evoultionary reasons for suicide bombings due to increased inbreeding this increased genetic similarity between them which led to increased altruism due to genetic similarity, by allowing those with higher IQs, this will lead to a greatly increased chance for attacks to happen as higher IQ people are better at controlling impulses.

This is a move I agree with. All countries should implement this procedure (obviously not enough to where it begins to displace the native population). With there being a cut-off limit on IQ, lets say 105 or even 110, that guarantees a high chance of those who are immigrating will be of value to the country and bring something to the table instead of the current situation with the benefits they currently receive (and lets be honest, you know these rules aren’t being followed). So by implementing this policy not only in Germany, but around the world, this would be a great thing for the West, to restrict immigration only to high-skilled workers, with a background check, intelligence test and someone with good credentials. Of course, only in sectors that really need the help. I of course advocate for the natives of any country to have first dibs when it comes to getting a job.

All in all, this is good move because a) rapes will be lessened and b) there won’t be as much individuals on welfare because there will be an (assumed) moratorium on those with lower IQs, leaving the higher IQ ones to find jobs and contribute to the economy.

Remember the last time Germany used IQ tests? =^)


  1. GCM says:

    “I can’t find any data on Arab testosterone at the moment, so I’ll just assume that it’s higher than Europeans due to the Arabs’ closer proximity to the equator (someone correct me if I’m wrong), as that’s why African’s testosterone is high.”

    So, first you admit you are unable to cite a key data point, one required to set the ball rolling in the right direction. Second, this assumption requires….data! Just as you clearly stated. Thus, you would have to conduct research first and foremost, lest your create a false premise and generate an argument based on it.

    “Due to higher average testosterone combined with low IQ, this leads to increased aggression along with increased sex crime”

    You do realize that the study focused on men in general. It did not break down men into racial or ethnic groups. Thus, YOU are making the assumption, using this study as “evidence”, to create yet another false narrative. Had this study included a breakdown of men from different backgrounds, your claim would be on less shaky ground.

    Now, let us assume that this study had indicated that white men compared to non-white men were more prone to violence based on higher than normal testosterone levels. Dollars to donuts, you would have NOT used this study to support your claim.

    “With higher testosterone being correlated with low IQ and increased androgen sensitivity along with higher sperm counts (both are indicators of higher testosterone) being correlated negatively when measured by speed of neuronal transmission which causes a trade-off between g (general intelligence) and neuronal transmission, this shows that increased testosterone means decreased IQ.”

It only shows your incompetence. You take two distinct studies and state there is a link between them without offering a rationale. Moreover, there is no direct “testosterone-intelligence” link. Testosterone can only be studied within particular systems, generally persons for these purposes. Since each person reacts in different relative ways or intensities to the presence of testosterone, and has a natural (and dynamic) hormonal equilibrium distinct from other people to whatever extent, it is meaningless to characterize testosterone as having some absolute or inherent link to intelligence, or to claim that ‘levels’ are somehow related to tested-intelligence across persons and genders. One is unable to reduce it to singular factors, since the whole point of our body is to be constantly moving towards homeostatic functioning.

    “I did say in my article Non-Western People are Abnormal for Our Society, that, as the title says, non-Western people are abnormal for our society due to not sharing our cultural values, which, we know is genetic.”

    You SPECULATE is genetic. Your conclusion is eerily similar to one made by anonymous conservative, which I summarily dismantled.


    • RaceRealist says:

      So, first you admit you are unable to cite a key data point, one required to set the ball rolling in the right direction. Second, this assumption requires….data! Just as you clearly stated. Thus, you would have to conduct research first and foremost, lest your create a false premise and generate an argument based on it.

      Sure it requires data!! We have data that Arab Muslims rape the most. Most people don’t know this, but vitamin D isn’t really a vitamin; it’s a steroid hormone

      Higher levels of testosterone occur due to increased exposure to the sun. Of course, the Middle East gets more sunlight than does Europe, so their levels of testosterone will be higher due to increased vitamin D, which in turn increases testosterone, causing more acts of aggression. Vitamin D supplementation could possibly (we know it does) raise testosterone levels. Of course this is the case, seeing as vitamin D comes from the sun, and the more sun you get, the more Vitamin D you get, which increases testosterone levels.

      You do realize that the study focused on men in general. It did not break down men into racial or ethnic groups. Thus, YOU are making the assumption, using this study as “evidence”, to create yet another false narrative. Had this study included a breakdown of men from different backgrounds, your claim would be on less shaky ground.

      Yes, I do realize that; it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to make that inference that higher testosterone in men leads to more crimes of sex and violence. We don’t need a racial breakdown, do you think a high testosterone Arab Muslim will act any different than a high testosterone European? Testosterone mediates the same behavior across ethnicity and race. We don’t need a racial/ethnic background to make observations on what is common sense.

      Now, let us assume that this study had indicated that white men compared to non-white men were more prone to violence based on higher than normal testosterone levels. Dollars to donuts, you would have NOT used this study to support your claim.

      That higher levels of testosterone cause higher levels of aggression and sex crimes? I sure would have. Because it proves my point. It doesn’t matter what race/ethnicity you are. With higher levels of testosterone, that individual will commit more crime than someone with a lower level of testosterone.

      Moreover, there is no direct “testosterone-intelligence” link.

      But there is. {Ostatnikova, 2007)

      Our results have revealed the differences in salivary testosterone levels in boys grouped according to IQ, intellectually gifted and mentally challenged boys having lower salivary testosterone levels than their peers characterized by average intelligence proposing the common biological characteristic of minority IQ groups on both ends of the Gauss curve.

      Manning (2006) observed that higher sperm counts and increases androgen receptor sensitivity are negatively correlated with intelligence when measured by speed of neuronal transmission, and hence, general intelligence.

      High Testosterone Linked to Lowered IQ – Robert Lindsay

      We can definitely see that testosterone is correlated with aggressive behavior. Most studies on testosterone come from the prison population, which a considerable rise in testosterone was observed in the prison population. Sure people react differently to hormones, but there is a clear trend that people with higher levels of testosterone have lower impulse control, among other things correlated with high testosterone, which then manifests itself in crimes of sex and violence.

      You SPECULATE is genetic. Your conclusion is eerily similar to one made by anonymous conservative, which I summarily dismantled.

      It is genetic. Arab Muslims are extremely inbred, which is yet another biological reason this occurs. Saying that it’s cultural and therefore, socially constructed leaves out the whole genetic causality. These things are not social, but due to thousands of years of inbreeding.

      Christian Arabs inbreed less, and this is seen in their levels of violence (how often do you hear of Christian Arab attacks?) The level of terror attacks, crimes of violence and crimes of sex all go hand in hand with the actions of Arab Muslims. This is due to how inbred Arab Muslims are.

      I don’t care about AC; I’m not him.


  2. […] Germany is going to begin IQ testing their immigrants, why can’t we? […]


  3. calaveras says:

    So africans, kurds, turks , afghans sex attackers/migrants are arabs now?
    Most of you HBD bloggers are so dumb…your lack awareness of the racial diversity of the middle east really is showing…
    and there is no reliable set of data about arab IQ as extensive genetic testing would have to be carried out to sort out between those ethnics groups.


    • RaceRealist says:

      So africans, kurds, turks , afghans sex attackers/migrants are arabs now?

      No. If you had good reading comprehension, you’d have seen that I was specifically talking about Arabs in this post. Though, the same things still apply to those populations you mentioned as well. Higher IQ, less sex. Lower IQ, more sex.

      Most of you HBD bloggers are so dumb…your lack awareness of the racial diversity of the middle east really is showing…

      They are Caucasian in the Middle East. Small amounts of African DNA on their mtDNA. But for the most part they are majority Caucasian.

      and there is no reliable set of data about arab IQ as extensive genetic testing would have to be carried out to sort out between those ethnics groups.

      The Comparison of Mean IQ in Muslim and Non-Muslim countries

      Reread my article again before you comment further.


  4. thesitrep says:

    There should be IQ test for immigration and even voting.
    It is my considered opinion that 90 should be the cut off.
    110 to hold public office.


    • RaceRealist says:

      I agree. IQ testing immigrants would curb a ton of crime. As it is now, there is nothing to vet potential immigrants. I believe we should give IQ tests as well as look at criminal backgrounds of the individual in question.

      Why 90? I’d say at least 100 to be able to emigrate to the West. On public office I agree with you. Someone with a higher IQ will always do better than one with a lower IQ.


  5. iffen says:

    “Someone with a higher IQ will always do better than one with a lower IQ.”

    For themselves, which doesn’t translate into good for the group. Not having enough high IQ people is not the problem. The problem is that the high IQ people running the show can’t make the system function in a manner that allows the lower IQ to flourish a bit.


    • RaceRealist says:

      You are correct iffen. The average IQ for the group matters more than individual IQ. This is why if immigration IS to occur, it should only be a select few who are vetted. For instance, a clean criminal record, good test scores and a high IQ. This way immigrant crime can be curbed.


    • Ricks77 says:

      @RaceRealist – I would ALSO add one more thing. I would restrict immigration from certain “Tribalistic and Clannish Regions of the World”. For example there is a large swath of region in the Equatorial Zone that SOUTHERN ASIA / WEST ASIA / NORTH AFRICA and SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA.

      These are highly Tribalistic/clannish/overly traditional/chained into their “roots” regions and cultures, and also probably very inbred (they have never had their “Enlightenment and Reformation)” regions. Compared with immigrants and their US/Western Born kids from these 3rd world (tropical) regions in comparison to, Latin America / Philippines much of South-East Asia GENERALLY speaking the Immigrants from Latin America/Philippines and Much of South-East Asia INTEGRATE/ASSIMILATE much more quickly than the immigrants and their 2nd Gen US/Western Born kids.

      However that said I am fully for super vetting of immigration and IQ :@ at least 100 + Speak English/Westernized and minimum of HS Diploma! And for the US restricting it to about 100k-200k (tops) per year as well as having heavy internal enforcement. This way Immigrants will assimilate more quickly. Every nation depending on size/population has something called ABSORPTION Capacity. We canot continue taking 1 million legal + 500k illegals for eternity!


  6. […] Source: Germany Begins to (Slightly) Wise Up: Will Begin IQ Testing “Migrants” […]


  7. Tancred says:

    In your first paragraph you assume a normal distribution of IQ among the invaders. I don’t think that the European invasion is a random phenomenon.
    There were reports that 2/3 of the recent refugees in Germany are functionally illiterate. As you said, the smarter ones are sending the dumber ones.


  8. 15.6% of Saudis have the genotype MAOA-2R, which is the highest known amount of any ethnicitiy:

    Since non-Europeans are highly nepotist and ethnocentric, even high IQ immigrants are to be opposed. They will start to get into politics, like they are already doing, and demand that more and more of their kind are allowed to enter. Just let this immigration idea fade, Europe worked without it for hundreds of years. When Germany was starting to become a strong industrialized nation in the 19th century, it was a country where people emigrated, not immigrated.


    • RaceRealist says:

      Here is the paper.

      Association study between the dopamine-related candidate gene polymorphisms and ADHD among Saudi Arabia population via PCR technique

      15.6% of Saudis have the genotype MAOA-2R, which is the highest known amount of any ethnicitiy

      I don’t see anything in the study that indicates that it’s the 2R allele, and the study you cited was on ADHD, not about aggression or crime.

      Since non-Europeans are highly nepotist and ethnocentric, even high IQ immigrants are to be opposed. They will start to get into politics, like they are already doing, and demand that more and more of their kind are allowed to enter. Just let this immigration idea fade, Europe worked without it for hundreds of years. When Germany was starting to become a strong industrialized nation in the 19th century, it was a country where people emigrated, not immigrated.

      IQ testing people (what they proposed to do) is a much better idea than free-flow emigration. Of course the best course of action is to completely halt it.

      I’m not saying to allow high IQ immigrants en masse, I’m just saying that testing people’s IQs is smarter than allowing anyone entry. Reread what I wrote.


  9. German says:

    Yes, testing IQs is smarter, I agree. But we just need to look to Vancouver to know that the Chinese will then dominate due to their higher competitiveness and mean IQ.

    Regarding the study: Then you did not read closely enough. It”s on page 3. It has been included in Andreas Vonderach’s “Völkerpsychologie”.

    As Vonderach writes:

    “Bemerkenswert ist das Ergebnis einer im Jahr 2012 veröffentlichten Studie aus Saudi-Arabien (Molecular Biology Reports 39, 2012, 11081-11086). Danach esitzen 15,6 Prozent der Araber das MAOA 2er-Allel. Ein Befund, der die vielen Berichte über die Impulsivität und Aggressivität der Araber bestätigt. Die Temperamentsunterschiede der Völker sind dabei ganz offensichtlich nicht nur akademisch interessant, sondern auch von groer auen- und gesellschaftspolitischer Bedeutung.”

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Matt says:

    I can’t help but think your fear of migrants is down to nothing other than your own ethnocentricity.

    Migration to Europe populated Europe. Migration to Europe is as old as Europe itself.

    Germany for the Germans. Austria for the Germans. Poland for the Germans. Czechoslovakia for the Germans etc, etc. Here we go again….

    Hilarious article and comments. Keep up the good work


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